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Spencer PoV
My eyes where closed but I was wide awake. Yes I'm pretending to be asleep but I promise it's for a very good reason it's just because I just don't want to talk to anyone about what I went through or basically talk to anyone about anything.
"Mr and Mrs Hastings are talking to the police but will be in soon" Hanna said walking back into the room i didn't even realise she left.
"I can't believe they didn't tell Spencer" Alison said talking about Mary. I didn't even meet her because they didn't tell me.
"I can't believe they never came back to rosewood when she was kidnapped and the police thought she was dead" Ezra said and I completely agree with him how was I so stupid to think they was my real parents no if they was really my family and loved me they wouldn't even leave me alone all the time because there jobs are more important.my thoughts get interrupted when the doors open.
"I'm so sorry Spencer" my mum cries into my ear.
I slowly open my eyes and see my dad and mum in tears basically on the floor.
"Mum?" She looks up at the sound of my voice and holds me in her arms my dad soon joining us.
I also start to cry and realise yes she isn't my biological mother and she hasn't always been there but she was there for me when she could be and she did love me being a mother means more then just giving birth.
"I love you, I love you both" I cry into my dads shoulder not caring if he is or not my biological father at that moment because I knew he is my father.
"Spencer Hastings?" A doctor comes into the room. Why do they always come when I'm crying? I think as I wipe the tears away and nod.
"I'm afraid we have some bad news" now everyone has worried faces all fearing for the worse.
"W-what's wrong?" Toby says holding my hand in his.
"Wren Kingston...we don't know where he is he left the hospital even with the police outside his room"

This is a short chapter but I wanted to leave it there hope you enjoy and hopefully next chapter Spencer will be interviewed by the police and some shocking new is found out.

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