You didnt know?

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Spencer PoV
The police have been wanting to talk to me about the dollhouse round 2 since I got out two days ago but Toby won't let them because he knows I'm trying to forget what happened in there not re-live the horrible experience. I tried telling him I would rather speak to them now and get it over with but he won't listen just like he won't listen when I tell him to go home and get a shower or sleep. No one has left my side since I was out the only person leaving my hospital room was Ezra to get everyone coffee or food.
"Spencer please eat something" Toby pleaded me moving the tray of disgusting  hospital food closer to me.
"I'm not hungry" I lied because I was very hungry but I didn't feel like eating for some reason. My mind kept wondering back to how Jessica and Wren were still free the police officers claiming not to know anything about there where about's I mean I know rosewood P.D was bad but this is just stupid. You could get away with murder in this town. Seriously just ask Melissa...and Hanna and Aria and probably many more people who I can't remember at the moment  (A/N Aria killed Shana and Hanna killed Archer) and I guess Emily but that was purely self defence not that killing Shana wasn't self defence but the police know about Lindon or Nate whatever his name was.
"Spencer are you listening?" Alison said gently shaking me pulling me out my thoughts.
"What?" I ask confused I have no idea what they was talking about.
"I was saying you can stay with me if you want" Alison suggested "Jason has been staying as well he said he will come see you tomorrow " I smiled slightly I haven't seen Jason in ages...wait what is Jason to me now my half brother who happens to also be my cousin yep that's gonna be awkward introducing him my friends back in Washington.
"Yeah Ali I would like that...thanks" I say before hugging her. We stay in this position awhile before the doors open.
I look and see detective Tanner,Marco and another policeman I don't know.
"Spencer it's good to see you awake" Tanner says and all I can think about is how it's not good to see her I mean this woman accused me of murder like what 3 times now.Alison.Bethany.Mona. Well I guess I was only an accessory in mona's murder and I can't even remember if she was around for when I was a person of interest in Alison's 'murder' but she sure thought I killed Bethany sooooo yeah.
"Spencer??" Marco said with everyone looking at me confused and worried and I realised I had been daydreaming again. Damnit I gotta stop doing that.
"Sorry" I said and everyone's face soon relaxed.
"She doesn't want to answer any of your quest-" Toby was about to send the police out again but I interrupted once I knew what he was trying to do.
"No I do" I shouted probably louder then I should have.
"Could you speak a bit louder Spencer I couldn't hear you" Hanna said sarcastically. God did I miss her sarcastic comments.
"Spencer you don't have to do this yet" Toby said holding my hand in his.
"I want to get it over and done with if I can help get Wren and Jessica behind bars I will tell them everything" we'll probably not everything but I will say as much as I need to.
"And the other two" Marco said leaving is all completely confused.
"Two?" No no no there was only one other person and that was Charlotte and she helped me.
"Oh she didn't know there was another two" Marco said looking and Tanner.
"Well obviously not" Tanner said writing down on her note pad.
"You didn't know?" Marco repeated the question but asked it towards me instead.
"There was only 3 other people down there except from me Wren,Jessica and Charlotte" I said they must have got something wrong no way was anyone else there.
"We have reasons to believe Archer Dunhill Aka Dr Rollins was the other person who held you captive" Tanner said everyone jaws dropping to the floor.

So interview is next chapter and you will see why they think Archer was also there in the dollhouse and I might include a flashback from the dollhouse that includes information.

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