Secrets being told part 2

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I'm doing 3 final chapters so the next one will be the last one. I'm not sure about a sequel I would love to write one but I'm not sure what I would write about. After this story I will post the first chapter of 'little do you know' also in not sure about the other two story's I'm writing but haven't posted I really want to write a Ezria or Emison story so I might write one of them instead. Anyway in with the story X

Andrew's POV

Both Spencer's and Aria's expression was the same... Hurt. They thought I was A but I wasn't. That wasn't me they don't get it yet.

"I would never hurt you Aria" I said wanting to take a step closer to her but Ezra protectedly put his arm around her.

"I was made to come her and wear this or...or she would die" I explained pointing to Aria.

"What? Why would-" Spencer started asking questions but I quickly interrupted her answering her unasked question.

"To distract you"


"Is Andrew at the house yet we need to carry out this plan" I asked as we stood outside the police station.

"Yes he is there" Noel said putting my phone in my pocket.

"Great" I said walking into the police station Noel following.

I walked up to the desk and didn't wait for anything to start talking.

"I have information about the whereabouts of Jessica Dilauerntis and Wren Kingston" I said confidently.

"Names?" The officer asked.

"Noel Kahn" I said gesturing to the Noel.

"And your name?" The officer asked now sounding impatient.

"Vanderwaal...Mona Vanderwaal"

Just confirming Mona is A not Andrew he was only a distraction

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