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Toby's PoV

I just got a text from caleb explaining that all they found is a note from A.D.
Me,Hanna and Alison was on are way to the lost woods I didn't know what we could find there or if we would even find anything at all but it was worth a shot.
The car journey was awkward and silent except for Alison kept crying knowing Spencer was her cousin who has now been kidnapped and we suspect her mum who was dead but isn't dead anymore.
"We're here" I say parking
We get out the car and walk up to the door when I spot a note stuck to it.
I start to run thinking it was probably from A.D and I was right.
"Last time she was gone for 3 months how long will it be this time now she's all alone
Kisses--A.D" Hanna reads out as she catches up to me.
I try opening the door but it's locked.
I start laughing to my self
"What's funny?" Alison asks completely confused
"If Spencer was here she would take out her bobbing pin and unlock this door without any problems" my laughter soon starts to turn into tears.
"Tob-" Hanna begins but is cut of by a scream coming from inside. Spencer scream!
Hanna quickly takes out her bobbing pin and tries unlocking the door but can't
"Give me that" I say taking the bobbing pin out of Hanna's hand and I unlock the door.
"SPENCER?!" we are all shouting going from room to room. I hear the scream again and start running in the direction it's coming from.  I slam the door open and run in the room and when I see what the sound is coming from my heart breaks. 
Hanna and Alison rush in the room but stop when they also see where the sound is coming from.
It a video on loop Spencer is sleeping in the bedroom that I presume is in the dollhouse when someone in a black hoodie and mask slam the door open causing Spencer to wake up and scream when the video is over words cover the screen. 
"Better luck next time bitches
Kisses -A"
Suddenly my phone starts to ring it's Melissa
I answer and I hear her crying
"Please tell me Spencer's with you she's not at home and Jessica says she hasn't seen her" she cries threw the phone .
"I haven't spoke to her in 2 days" I couldn't tell Melissa about A.D something bad might happen and this way she can tell the police without then knowing about A.D and Elliott
"Toby there's a bloody hand mark on the wall and a bloody knife and Spencer's gone" she cries again but I'm surprised with the the knife and bloody hand news
"WHAT?!" Was A.D trying to fake Spencer's death so people stop looking for her!?
"Toby I'm going to the police please meet me there with Spencer's friends they will probably need to question everyone" she says before hanging up
"What was that about?" Hanna and Alison ask worried
"I think A.D is faking Spencer's dea-" Hanna and Alison's phone go off before I finish the sentence
"Faking someone's death is easier then I thought you should know Alison " Alison says "I wonder who will be arrested for crime though???
Kisses liars you won't hear from me for a wail I'm busy with Spencer -A.D" Hanna  says finishing of the text

Spencer's PoV

I wake up my vision is blurry but I can see a male figure at the foot of my bed. I rub my eyes confused I thought it was just Charlotte and Jessica but turns out there is more.
"Your finally awake" the man says in a British accent
"WREN?!" I say finally seeing the figure. I instantly think of theory's as why he is here.
Is he one of them ?
Was he kidnapped ?
Is this a dream ?
No why would I dream of wren ?
"Hey how are you doing " he says walking up to me but I back away a little still scared to why he is here.
"Why are you here wren?" I ask ready to run in to the bathroom if he says he is on there team
"I wanted to see my precious little angel" he says edging closer to me
"No wren why are you HERE in the dollhouse?!" I am getting the feeling that it's not a good reason. 
"They said they would help me win you back and we would be one big happy family" he says before gently grabbing my face and connecting are lips.
I try pulling away but his grip just gets tighter so I start kicking but he just won't budge. He lays me back on the bed are lips still connected. He tries pulling my top of but I finally push him away.
"Wren stop" I say tears forming in my eyes as I start running in the direction of the bathroom but grabs my arm and throws me down to the floor climbing on top of me.
"Spencer stop playing hard to get" he try's saying it in a sexy voice but it just doesn't work for him.
He places his lips on mine again until I see Charlotte run through the door and push him off of me
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!" She shouts at wren I'm surprised to see how angry she is
"I TOLD YOU TO MAKE SURE SHE WAS OKAY AFTER THE AMOUNT OF BLOOD THAT WAS TAKEN OUT NOT TRY RAPE HER" she says as she grabs a hold of wren around the throat.
Wait blood they took my blood what was they going to do??
"I'm sorry Charlotte she just looked so beautiful" he says trying to get Charlotte's hands from around his neck
"I don't care wren she is my sister okay!" She isn't shouting as loud but her voice is still raised.
I then think maybe the door is unlocked so I try tip toeing towards the door
"Where are you going Spencer?" I hear Charlotte say as she places a hand on my shoulder.
"A glass of water?" I don't know why I said that like she was actually going to let me go get a glass of water.
"Haha nice try get back in bed" she says turning me around so I'm facing the bed.
"Why are you being nicer then last time?" I was honestly confused last time if we tried getting out are rooms it was torture not bed time.
"Because we are family now and I love my family" she said walking me over to the bed.
"Didn't you know before?" I asked I thought she would have known all this time.
"Nope I didn't even know I had a sibling until a couple months ago when Jessica secretly visited me she said she would tell me if I helped her" she said as she made me lay down in the bed
"What did she want help for?" I asked maybe it had something to do with archer seen as they knew each other. 
"You don't need to know that now sleep and I will see you tomorrow" she said as she kissed me on the forehead. Yep Charlotte was defiantly different since last time I saw her she was kidnapping me and hitting me with a metal pipe.
"Wren we have some talking to do or you can't marry my little sister" MARRY?!?
"What do you mean marry Charlotte" I started to climb out of bed but before I could Charlotte closed the door with while her and Wren was on the other side.
"I will see you tomorrow Spencer" she shouted before I heard her walking away
I was not going to marry Wren no way !

Hanna PoV

I was at my house I called caleb over because I was worried about Spencer we had no leads to where she might be we was at a dead end and know the police might think she is dead when we know she isn't
"Don't worry Hanna I'm sure she is fine" Caleb said stroking my hair
"What if she isn't" I say tears falling down my face.
"Spencer's a Hasti-" I knew what he was going to say how Spencer was a Hasting she will get through this but know we wasn't even sure if she was a Hastings
"Do you still love her?" I ask out of the blew Aria told me about his reaction to the note and how he was hitting the tree
"...Hanna I need to tell you something" Caleb said turning his body to fully face me
"Yes?" I was scared he was going to say he still loves Spencer with all his heart and wouldn't stop till he found his true love
"Actually it will be easier to show you" he says I was about to speak again asking what was he going to show me but he pushed his lips against mine I was shocked but I soon joined in and are kiss started to turn to into us making out and ended with us I'm my bed breathless
"Wow" I said with a wide grin on my face
"Yeah wow" Caleb said also smiling

Omg wren is in the dollhouse and haleb are an item once again I have 100 views wow thanks so much and I'm sorry for updating a bit late I normally update earlier in the day but I was out in Chester love you all hope you enjoyed -S xoxo

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