Secrets being told part 1

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Before this chapter begins I just want to say this is the second to last one and then I will bring out my new book *drum roll* ....... 'Little do you know' look at last chapter to see what it's about. Know on with the story.

Alison's POV

"Why did she have to come with us" I whisper to Hanna who I have to sit by in the back while Paige and Emily catch up in the seats In front of us and Spencer and Toby sit in the front and Ezra and Aria go in a different car.

"Don't ask me ask A" Hanna replies.

I look in front of us and see Paige and Emily laughing. God why does A have to be such a bitch.

"Don't worry Ali everyone is so happy about you and Emily finally getting together" Hanna says reassuringly.

"So what who do you think this other A is" Toby says out loud for everyone to hear.

Paige I think to myself why else would A want her here if she wasn't actually A.

"Someone Spencer is close with" Hanna answers

"Maybe someone close to Alison aswell because Ali was closer to Jessica then me" Spencer answers back.

"Maybe my dad? Or even Jason" I say

"No Jason wouldn't do that to me" Spencer says upset at the thought.

"You didn't think Toby would betray you either but he did" Paige says and I could see Toby's face turn red in anger.

"I did that to protect her" Toby shouts turning taking both his eyes of the road.

"TOBY!" Emily shouts causing him to to turn his attention back to the road.

"What a cow" Hanna whispers in my ear causing me to laugh.

"Jason is not A" Spencer says annoyed and rubs Toby's back reassuringly.

"What about you Paige you betrayed as all as well remember" Toby says a smile now dancing on his lips.

Everyone is confused but Paige seems to know exactly what he was talking about.

"Emily it was for you own safety I swear" she pleads for forgiveness although she has no idea what for.

"What did you do Paige" Emily asks worried.

"She joined Mona's team to get rid of Alison....willingly" Toby says. We all gasp in shock. That cheeky-

"It wasn't just me" Paige pleaded

"We don't care Paige why would you do that to me" Emily says tears threatening to spill.

"I love you Emily" Paige says leaning in for a kiss but Emily pushes away.

"Hanna can I swap places with you" Emily asks avoiding eye contact with Paige.

"No but you can sit in between me and Alison" she says not wanting to sit with Paige.

Spencer's POV

As we arrive at the address Toby got from the police file and making a copy of the key and reunite with Aria and Ezra again everyone's eyes widen at the sight nobody expected.

"I thought the said it was a small apartment" I say not letting my eyes leave the mansion in front of us.

"It's the right address" Ezra says confused

"Come on let's go in" Toby says holding my hand and walking towards the door.

"There's no police tape or cars or anything" Alison states.

"Yeah but why" Aria says as we walk into the very large hallway.

"Should we slit up?" Hanna asks

"Yes" me,Aria,Paige and Alison reply as Emily, Ezra and Toby say "no"

"4-3 were splitting up" I say

"Fine me,Spencer,Aria and Ezra will check upstairs the rest of you look downstairs" Toby orders.

"Let's go then" Ezra says and the four of us make are way upstairs.

"Keep phones on" Hanna shouts up the stairs .

"All the picture frames are empty in this room" Aria says as we look around the first room and Toby and Ezra look around the one next door.

"Wait look at this" I say holding up a closed photo album.

"Well open it" I do as Aria says and on the first page is four photos of a newborn baby girl.

"Who is it?" Aria asks

I take one of the photos out and look at the back.

Charlie DiLaurentis

"But wasn't Charlotte a... Transgender?" Aria asks confused.

"Yeah she was" I look at the date and see the date is a couple years after Charlotte was born.

"Either this isn't the real Charles or Charlotte isn't the real Charles" I say pointing out the date the picture was taken.

"I know that date! I know it's someone's birthday! OMG who is it let me think" Aria shouts out.

I allow Aria to think a turn the page and see more pictures of the baby a couple months older. The baby has dark brown hair and and brown big eyes. The facial features were familiar but I couldn't put my finger to it.

"EZRA!" I heard Toby shout from outside the room.

Aria immediately ran to the door but halt to a stop when a hooded figure with Ezra firm in there grip and Toby behind them.

"Aria move back" I pull Aria a safe distance away from the hooded figure and stepped slightly in front of her.

"Get out " Toby mouthed to me and Aria.

"Is every thing okay up there?" I hear Alison shout upstairs. The hooded figure must have heard because they threw Ezra into the room me and Aria was in and slammed the door shut locking it leaving Toby outside.

Alison's POV

Slowly making my way up the stairs after no one replying I hear banging on a door and then Toby shouting Spencer's name.

"Hey what's going on?" I asked running to him.

"A is in there with Aria,Ezra and Spencer"

Spencer POV

I look over at Ezra and Aria they both seem physically fine at the moment. When I look back at the masked,hooded figure I can tell there staring at me.

"Is this you?" I asks shakily pointing to the baby album.

They shake the head side to side to say no slowly putting there hand closer to there mask, slowly but surely they begin taking off the mask.


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