A new gAme

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Spencer's PoV
I was still crying on the floor when all of a sudden the lights went off. I knew that meant that I should go to bed but I'm to scared to sleep. I stand up and walk towards the bed before getting in it and I start to cry again. This was worst then last time. I don't want my friends down her with me but it was definitely easier with them here this time I'm all alone. What if they never find me? Am I going to be here for the rest of my life? Am I going to die in this hell hole? I finally cry myself to sleep before I can ask my self anymore questions

Hanna's PoV

"I didn't mean to kill him"I said with tears rolling down my cheeks
"No...we get it it's okay" Toby said I was so glad he understood I was scared he wouldn't care and tell the police anyway but it wasn't like rosewood police force was any good anyway we was better of looking for Spencer alone.
"What are we going to do" Emily said she was still looking at all the pictures that A sent us of Spencer's she was trying not to cry but she couldn't help it.
"Well we have to tell Alison about her mum and keep you guys safe because A might not want just Spencer" Caleb said with his arm around me
"But we can't just sit here and do nothing we know it's most likely Jessica who has took Spencer so we need to confront her" I say standing up about to walk to the door
"Hanna I'm coming with you. You guys should go to where the old dollhouse was located it might be near there" Toby says before we leave and walk next door to Alison's house
I knock on the door and wait until Alison opens the door but she doesn't Jessica does
"Hello Hanna what can I do for you" she says in a sweet innocent voice as if she didn't just kidnap Spencer
"Where's Alison?" I say I don't really want her knowing we know she is Jessica so I act like I don't know
"She is upstairs do you wanna go up?" She says opening the door wider so we can go in
"Erm yeah sure" say looking at Toby before we walk upstairs
"Alison?" I say before entering her room
"Hanna,Toby what are you doing here I'm going out soon to meet Spencer" Alison says she obviously hasn't got a text or anything
"Spencer won't be able to meet you" I say looking down at the floor trying not to make eye contact Spencer and Alison have been trying to be friends again so they keep meeting up and there starting to get really close .
"Why not?" Alison asked confused and worried
"Because A has...she is..." I couldn't finish my sentence so Toby does for me
"She is in the dollhouse and your mum put her there!" Toby says slightly raising his voice but not to loud
"My mother is dead Toby" Alison said she sounds annoyed and mad
"No she isn't Spencer found out she is still ali-" I was cut of by Alison's phone beeping
She looked down at her phone and gasped a little when she saw it
"What does it say?" Toby says taking the phone from her hands so we can see
"Say hello to the newest member of your family Spencer Drake
Kisses --A.D"
"Spencer is Mary's child..." Alison said slowly sitting on her bed
"We don't know for sure it might just be A messing with are heads" I say sitting next to her
"I always felt a connection with Spencer that I didn't feel with anyone else but I just thought it was because we shared a brother" Alison said tears building up in her eyes
"Come on Ali we will find Spencer" I said hugging her tightly I felt sorry for Alison and Spencer there family's kept so much from them.

Spencer's PoV

I was awoken by a phone ringing...wait a phone. I quickly ran over to where I heard the phone ringing and it wasn't my phone but I didn't care it said Toby was ringing I immediately answered
"TOBY?!" I said down the phone I was about to cry
"Nope just me" Charlotte said on the other side of the phone laughing
I quickly hung up and threw the phone at the wall I then remembered it was a phone I could use it to call the police and Toby I ran to it and was about to dial 911 but it said no serves and then the phone died
Charlotte has been teasing me all day before she played a recording of Aria shouting my name and I really thought she was here and then she keeps playing the annoying siren over and over again. Last time i was here she would physical hurt me as well but so far I haven't even stepped out of the room I was being kept in.

Caleb PoV
We was on are way to where the dollhouse was last time me,Ezra,Emily and Aria I didn't really talk I wanted to be with Toby and Hanna but the person I wanted to be with most right now was Spencer. We might have broken up but I still cared for her she held a special place in my heart I always knew I was never completely over Hanna but when I was with Spencer I felt like all my troubles went away. When we reached the spot where the dollhouse was last located we all looked around for anything a way in the dollhouse,a clue,Spencer...
"I found a note" Ezra shouted and we all walked over to him
"What does it say?" I asked hoping it was a clue to where we might find Spencer
"Not here bitches keep looking though she might be closer then you think or maybe we are half way around the world
Kisses --A.D" Aria read out
I hit my hand on a tree A was messing with us
"Caleb we will find her" Emily said but I didn't listen she was the one that kept crying anyway
I hit the tree again this time cutting my knuckle but I didn't care
"Caleb stop!" Ezra shouted taking me away from the tree
"She's gone Ezra where is she I'm going to kill Jessica if she lays a hand on her!" I shouted walking towards my car
"Caleb wait" Ezra shouted as I got in the car and drove of without them

So I noticed I said there was going to be a scene with Spencer and Charlotte but that's next chapter sorry and for all you haleb fans don't worry next chapter is a great one for you byeeeee --Sxoxo

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