I appreciate beauty

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Spencer's POV
I stretches me sore neck and rub my shoulder. Wren, carrying a basket of laundry, passes by the open door and notices.
"Still having trouble with that
bursa sac?" He says equally concerned and joking.
"I can't take you seriously when you
say bursa sac." I say
We both get a smile out of it.
"Shall I give you another rub?" He offers
I'd like to say yes but
"No.That's okay."
"Yeah, it's late." He sounds disappointed
"Early for me. I've got a history
test Monday and a paper due in Latin." I complain.
"Ascendo tuun." He says in an attempted Latin accent
I'm suddenly taken aback.
"Do you know what you just said to
me?" I breath a laugh of disbelief.
"I think so. "Up yours?""he replays with a slight smirk
"Yeah, okay." I breath an awkward laugh
"It's the only Latin I remember."he pauses before continuing
"Can I help with anything?"
"With your extensive knowledge of
the language." I joke
I walks across the room and pulls a text book from my shelf.

"I didn't grow up in a family like
yours so I don't know that kind of pressure. But I can imagine it could be unbearable at times." He says understandingly
"You're not exactly a slouch, Mr.
Oxford. That drive came from somewhere."
He walks over to me.
"It came from me. My life has been
my choice." Wren says
"You're lucky."
Im so tired and he's so understanding. I force back a well of emotion that comes extremely close to the surface.
"I'm sorry. I'm being intrusive."he said apologetically
"No, you're being nice." I respond
He notices my collection of architecture and design books. He flips through one of the books and admires a page of Frank Gehry designed chairs. He moves closer to show me a photograph.
"Gehry said that the "hat trick"
chair was inspired by an apple crate. Remarkable." Wren said.
I looks at the page. We are now almost touching.
"I didn't realize you were into
design." I say
I can feel his breath as he slowly turns the page. Then as looks up at me.
"I appreciate beauty" wren said in his sexy British accent
When I finally looks up from the book I realise that he's staring at me. We lock eyes and he leans in and kisses me.
Melissa stands still in the hallway.She sees Wren and I locked in a salacious kiss. Melissa stands frozen, watching with steely eyes, until we move out of her view.
Still kissing, we move away from the open door. I
gets a hold of my emotions and push Wren back.
"You can't do that. We can't. It's
not right." I say
He looks at her for a long beat, then leaves without saying a word.
Wren walks out of my room and into the hall. It's
empty. Melissa is gone.

I wake up with heavy breathing and look at the familiar 4 white walls and Alison's worried face.

"Are you okay?" Alison asks moving closer to me.
"Yeah I'm fine?" I say trying to sound happy but failing and it comes out more like a question.
"You wanna talk about it?" She asks. I then notice how she's the only one in the room.
"Where's Toby?" I ask trying to get up but Ali stops me.
"Don't worry he only went home to get washed up" she said calming me a bit."so do you wanna talk about your dream?" She asks again.
"It wasn't about the dollhouse" I reassure her but she doesn't seem convinced.
"Just because it wasn't about the dollhouse doesn't mean it wasn't bad...I heard you...saying his name" she says looking at the floor.
"Oh" I say. I hate talking in my sleep I remember in high school Hanna use to always record me saying stuff in my sleep when we had sleepovers.
"They made you do Latin homework in there?" She asked confused. She must have thought I was in the dollhouse in my dream.
"What? No I was dreaming about the first time we...kissed" I said ashamed at my self for trusting him.
"Oh...I'm sorry Spence. That they did them things to you I never imagined my mother to be such a horrible person" she said reminding me that it was her mother he took me in the first place. I forgot about how Alison must have felt about all this.
"Oh god Ali I'm so sorry I-I...maybe the woman you knew as your mother isn't the same person anymore. She loved you Alison in her own way" I said and we held each other in a hug.

Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while I am writing three new story's.one will be uploaded when this one ends (hopefully around chapter 20)another when my sparia story ends and I'm not sure when to upload the other. 2 are based on pretty little liars and one is a mystery/thriller.

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