Lets take a look at the damage

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Toby PoV
I've been trying for the past hour to convince Emily,Hanna,Caleb,Alison,Aria and Ezra to go home and get some sleep but they all refuse and say how they would prefer staying and making sure Spencer was okay but I know Spencer well enough to know she isn't okay and she won't be for a while and I couldn't do much to help her. That right there is what is hurting me the most right now knowing that I couldn't protect the person who meant the world to me.

"Any news on the where about's of Jessica and Charlotte?" Hanna asked breaking the awkward silence that was filling the room as Spencer slept.

"Nothing..." I say with disappointment clear in my voice.

As Hanna was about to talk again Caleb quickly interrupted. "Toby we need to speak....privately" he said standing up from his seated position.

"Erm yeah sure" I said slightly confused looking back at Spencer one last time before leaving the room with Caleb.

"What's up?" I asked curious of what Caleb had to say in private.

"What if Spencer is pregnant with my baby I mean if your about a month pregnant is it that obvious?" Caleb says in a yell whisper.

"What?" I ask my eyes almost popping out my skull I never even thought Caleb would be the father now there was 4 ways this could play out. Caleb,Wren,Me,Or no baby at all.

"If Spencer is pregnant with my baby she has to get rid of it" Caleb says with a serious expression on his face and anger in his voice.

"What? You can't make Spencer do anything Caleb have you forgotten what she has been through if Spencer decides to keep the baby that by the way might not even exist then she is keeping the baby" I shout probably louder then I should.

"I can make Spencer do whatever I want" Caleb screams but regret instantly washes over his face "Toby I di-" he starts to apologise but I cut him off.

"LEAVE CALEB" I shout doctors,nurses and patients now starting at us.

Caleb inhaled sharply before storming off. I took a couple of breaths before walking back in Spencer's hospital room where Hanna was crying and Spencer was holding her now awake and I instantly regret shouting they obviously heard the whole conversation.

"Hanna I'm probably not even pregnant" Spencer said trying to comfort her.

"You have had unprotected sex with three guys in the last month of course your pregnant" Hanna snapped getting out of Spencer's hold.

"Hanna!" Emily and Aria said at the same time. Spencer was obviously taken back from Hanna's comment and started crying.

"Spence I-I didn't mean to snap god I'm so sorry" Hanna said as I ran to Spencer and held her close to my chest as tears started soaking my T-shirt.

"I didn't think Wren was this guy" she sobbed holding me as close as humanly possible to her small figure.

"Spencer Hastings?" A doctor said coming through the doors. Spencer quickly wiped the tears away and nodded towards the doctor.

"We have your results back and your not pregnant but we will have to do more tests to see why your throwing up it may be because you haven't eaten anything in a while but we really need you to" the doctor said and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

Spencer has threw up 8 times since she came to the hospital last night and hasn't eaten or drunk anything even though we are all trying to encourage her to.

"Thank you thank you so much" Spencer said with a small genuine smile on her face. It might be small but it's the first time I have seen her smile in ages and it makes my whole face light up.

"I will talk to you later Spencer" the doctor said before walking out.

"I told you all I wasn't pregnant" Spencer said but there wasn't any emotion present in her voice.

"You should get some sleep Spence" I say gently like lying her back down.

"Can you ask if I can have any tablets to help me sleep?" Spencer asks.

I instantly think about Spencer's drug phrase I can't let her go back to that...but she needs her sleep. I look back at the girls and can see there thinking the same thing.

"Maybe that isn't a good idea Spence" Alison says.

"What do you means not a good idea?...you think I'm going to be addicted again? Wow I can't believe you guys" Spencer says sarcastically laughing.

"Spencer we just don't want you hitting rock bottom again" Hanna says trying to comfort but failing miserably and Aria and Alison send her a look as if to say 'seriously hanna'

"You know the best thing about hitting rock bottom?" Spencer asks pausing for a second before carrying on "there's only one way out and that up" and with that she closes her eyes leaving us in another awkward silence.

Sorry about the late post I was meant to post this Monday but I have been so busy I its been hard keeping up with this and GCSE work so I might not be able to update till Friday xoxo

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