Attept number 2

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Spencer's PoV

Soon after Wren left my room I quickly ran to the tap and washed out my mouth I honestly can't believe the person Wren had become. It freaked me out knowing he once slept in the same house as me.

As I walked back in my room I realised the door was slightly open. Was this a trap? Did he mean to leave it open? I didn't know but I had to try escape...right? I slowly walked over to the door and opened it wider trying to make as less noise as possible. Once I got out to the hallway I began to run. I think I remembered the way Charlotte was taking me but I could be completely wrong. As I turned a corner I stopped dead in my tracks.


"Charlotte please help me get out I can't leave with you all please I promise I won't mention your name if you help me" I started to beg walking towards her.

"Spencer you should go back to your room" Charlotte whispered trying to push me backwards.

"What no Charlotte please your my sister please help me" I whisper starting to cry a little.

Charlotte stopped pushing me and pointed down a hall.

"Go that way and you will find a phone there's no way out the doors are locked so just call someone tell them we are at  Tyler state park it's close to the old dollhouse they should see blue tape around a tree branch pull in it and the entrance opens. Hurry before Wren sees you Jessica isn't her." She says now pushing me towards the hall way

"Wren said we was in New York?" I asked confused.

"Yeah like Wren ever told the complete truth" she said before hugging me " I'm sorry Spencer"

"Thank you" I say before running down the hallway.

I see a house phone and quickly dial 911 but I wished I had time to also call Toby.

911 what is your emergency.

"Hello my name is Spencer Hastings I have been kidnapped I'm at Tyler state park in rosewood I'm underground find a branch with blue tape and pull on it please help me before someone finds me." I say almost crying was I really going to get out of here.

"Spencer? Spencer no what are you doing?!" Oh no it was Wren
The woman on the line was going to speak but I quickly hung up and ran of with the phone dialling Toby's number.
It rang 3 rings before he picked up.

"Toby please help me I'm at Tyler state park the police are coming but Wren has found me he is going to take me away please help me"
"Omg Spencer!? Spencer is that you OMG we are coming keep running babe I love you stay on the line"
"Toby Charlotte is alive it was Jessica and Wren not Charlotte she has been trying to help me" i say still running in different directions.
"Spencer!!!!!" I hear Charlotte scream behind me I quickly turn around and see Wren holding a knife to her throat.
"Wren please don't do this" I beg stepping back one step.
"Spencer what's going on?"
"Hang up the phone Spencer and I won't have to do anything to her" Wren says taking a step forward with Charlotte in his hold.
"I love you Toby I'm so sorry I wasn't strong enough" I start crying down the phone taking one step closer to Wren and Charlotte.
"Spencer no please don't go with him we are coming we are nearly there"
"That's it Spencer come on" Wren said with an evil grin on his face.
"Just know I love you Toby more then anything in this world" i say taking another step forward.
"Spencer no please don't please I love you please we are coming keep running" Toby is screaming down the phone I can tell he is crying
"Spencer hang up the god damn stupid phone!" Wren shouts putting the knife closer to Charlottes throat.
"He has Charlotte she has risked a lot for me I can't let her die I won't let her die....I love you Toby Cavanaugh " tears now streaming down my face.
"I love you Spencer Hastings I love you so much"
"I will see you soon" I say before grabbing the knife of Wren dropping the phone and stabbing him in the stomach.
"Spencer?! Spencer please answer me!! I love you"
I freeze I can't believe what I just did Charlotte hugs me and puts her finger on my chin moving me to face her.
"You did what you had to do. okay?"
I turn to look at Wren he is struggling on the floor but still breathing still alive so far.
I turn back to Charlotte before slowly nodding "Okay"
I hear the faint sound of police sirens and I quickly pick up the phone again
"Toby??!" I shout hoping he is still there.
"Spencer?! Omg I thought you was gone we are so close almost there"
"I stabbed him...I stabbed Wren" I say crying into the phone.
"I-it's okay you did what you had to do to escape it's okay" he repeatedly says 'it okay' as we start walking down the hallway
We hear a bang and aloud of police officers come barging in
"Spencer Hastings?" One of the asks coming up to us.
"Yes yes that me" I say quietly starting to feel a bit dizzy I have used so much energy that I didn't have by running.
"Okay let's get the paramedics in and help her out" someone says putting the hand on my back.
I start feeling really dizzy now as my legs underneath me start to weaken and my eyes become heavier
"Spencer" I hear people shout my name as I fall to the ground.
"Spencer omg Spencer it's okay I'm here now" it's Toby he rushes over to me and moves the hear gently out my face
"Spencer omg I'm so happy to see you" everyone is here Alison,Aria,Emily,Hanna,Caleb and Ezra
My eyes begin to shut as paramedics begin to shout.
"He is alive!" I presume they mean Wren.
I smile weakly looking at Toby before everything turns black.

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