Make it go away

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Spencer's PoV
I can hear faint beeping and the sound of voices but all the words a mumbled together.
I try opening my eyes but there to heavy so I try match the voices to faces.
"She looks so small and fragile" I hear someone say as someone is holding my hand.
It was a woman....Aria?
"Do you know if Mr and Mrs Hastings has been contacted?" Another voice says in a quiet whisper next to me. I was pretty sure it was Alison but I didn't really know for sure.
"Yeah there taking the next plane they will probably be here in a couple hours" another voice says. Hanna? Maybe that was Alison ? God I hated not knowing.
"Do you think she knows...about Mary being her..." Yes...yes I do did they know.
"Probably" Toby that was definitely Toby I hoped it was Toby but I know why they say about hope.
I hoped I was going to be okay.
I hoped my friends don't start acting like I'm mad if glass.
I hoped I wasn't a lost cause.
I hoped I was dreaming and all of this was a bad,bad dream.
My eyes started to feel lighter my eyes flickered open and I saw everyone staring at me.
Hanna,Emily,Alison,Aria,Ezra,Caleb and Toby.
I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I was finally out of I was finally with my friends...more like my family we have went through so much together.
"Spence" I turn my head and see Toby sitting on the chair next to my hospital bed holding my hand.
"T..Toby" I choke out before he embraced me in a hug.
"I missed you. I missed you so so much" he says I get an aching pain in my chest as he holds me but I don't care because I feel safe.
"How I have to stay here?" I ask I don't really know what else to say what was I meant to say.
"They don't know yet but they know it's for a while" Alison says she is on the other side of me.
"Ali.." I don't know what to say she was my family now.
"It's okay Spence I promise your going to be okay" she said as she hugged me.
"I know...about Mary...I probably know more then you they told me a lot they thought I was never going to leave" I say switching my gaze from Aria to Hanna to Emily. Last time they was with me we had each other to talk to this time it's different. I was alone.
"You don't have talk about it Spence" Aria said moving the hair out of my eyes. That's when I remembered Charlotte they probably didn't know about her wait they probably saw her when they helped me escape. I turned back to Alison. "Charlotte...she's alive Alison where is she I need to see her"
They all shared looks until all eyes fell on me again.
"Spence...Charlotte ran the police don't know where she or Jessica are" Toby said holding my hand tighter.
I shot up in a sitting position but yelped in pain.
"Spencer! Don't move you have a lot of serious injuries" Toby said gently pushing me down to a lying position.
"Wren I stabbed him oh god is he...did I" tears started welling up in my eyes.
"No no Wren is alive and well we are just worried about you right now" he said gently rubbing his thumb on my hand.
"Toby I feel sick" I said at the thought of Wren.
Ezra got a the bin from the corner of the room and held it while I threw up.
Toby was holding up my hair with one hand and stroking my back.
I looked up at Ezra when finished and gave him an apologetic look.
"I'm sorry Ezra" said as the stench of sick filled the room.
"It's okay Spencer I will go get a doctor" Ezra said smiling as he left the room.
I looked at Aria and  smiled at her.
"You got yourself a keeper Ar" I said trying to move the subject from me to anyone else.
She smiled sympathetically and held my hand.
"You don't need to act strong for us Spence we get it if you want to cry" she said holding me into a hug.
"It hurts Ar I don't want the memories please...please make it go away" I cry into her shoulder.
A doctor comes into the room followed by Ezra. I let go of Aria and wipe my tears away.
"Hello Spencer I'm doctor Harper how are you feeling" she says walking over to me.
"I'm fine" I lie.
"Spencer there are a few possible reasons to why your throwing up and one by one will have to cross them of the list." She took a pause before carrying on "one possibility is pregnancy" she said and everyone's eyes widened.
"I'm not pregnant" I remember 3 weeks ago me and know but I was sure we were careful.
"Well we should still make sure so we are going to run a few test we will get back to you later" she said before leaving the room.
I look at Toby and see tears threatening to fall.
"I'm not pregnant Toby we were careful" I say trying to comfort him.
"What about Wren" my eyes widen Wren I'm not pregnant I couldn't be.
"No Toby I'm not pregnant" I say now shouting.
"Spence calm down stress isn't good for you or the b.." Caleb said but stopped.
"I'm not pregnant" I say tears falling down my cheeks again.
"Spence come on the doctor said you was dehydrated when you was asleep do you want some water"Emily said trying to change the subject and I was glad she did.
"No I just want some rest" I said before shutting my eyes.
"Good night " Toby said kissing my forehead
"I love you" I say with my eyes shut
"I love you too" he said before I fell asleep.

Could Spencer really be pregnant ? if so who's baby is it ?Toby or Wren ?will she keep it? Find out next chapter.

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