Chapter 5

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Tweek woke up disappointed. He was having a dream where Craig had feelings for him, and they held hands on the beach. Needless to say, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Even if Craig wasn't going to confess his undying love anytime soon, Tweek still needed to go to school. His parents were probably already made he ditched yesterday. He decided to make it his mission to pretend nothing happened yesterday and to survive this day without any more incidents.

Tweek was walking to the bus stop when Butters came up to him rubbing his knuckles. Out of everyone, Butters was probably the one who changed the least. "I just wanted to apologize for yesterday; I didn't mean to be such a hassle for you."

"It's al-alright Butters, but what are you d-doing here anyway?" Tweek replied.

Butters glanced up at Tweek. "Oh, well I wanted to apologize, and Craig told me he would beat me up if I took the bus today. So I figured it was the perfect time to apologize."

Tweek nodded understanding it for the most part, except he was wondering why Craig would beat up Butters. "We-Well we can wa-walk to school to-together if you wa-want that is."

Butters smiled, "thank you, that would be great." So Tweek and Butters headed to school together, both scared of what they were facing but knowing that that can do it together.

Except they really couldn't do it by themselves. After all, Tweek and Butters were just two small blondes.

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