Chapter 34

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It was Monday again, so time for Tweek to head back to the prison known as school. Although Tweek didn't mind as much since he knew he wasn't going to be alone. So without hesitation Tweek prepared for hiw morning walk with Craig.

As soon as he brushed, or at least tried to brush his hair, he heard a knock on the door. Tweek grinned as he ran the door and opened it, so excited he didn't even think about it being a kidnapper.

He was more than slightly disappointed to find out the person at the door was Butters, looking nervous. "H-Hey Tweek, did you see what was posted on Facebook last night?"

Tweek shook his head no, he didn't have one in fear that someone could track him down from hacking.

"Well, it's been going around that you and Craig were... kissing." The way Butters said kissing as if it was a bad word made Tweek want to giggle. On the other hand  he was way to scared that history was just going to repeat itself.

"Just so you know, I had a stern talking with Craig about this for you," Butters said.

Tweek's face brightened, "so he's not going to ignore me?"

"Well, I don't know about that, he kind of just walked away from me afterwards."

So in other words, Tweek was back to panicking again. Butters tried to calm him down, but it clearly wasn't helping. This lasted for so long that Tweek was sure that they were last for school, until he saw a familiar car pulling into the driveway.Out came Craig and Kenny, both looking slightly guilty.

Craig ran up to Tweek, "listen, I'm sorry, I've been a real jerk.

Tweek stared at Craig, not quite understanding what he was saying, "W-What for."

"There was a moment where I doubted us, and I almost wanted to retreat again, but the truth is, I  had a long talk with Kenny and now I understand everything."

Tweek stood frozen, so sure that Craig was going to melt into nothing. It was all too much, it seemed right out of some sappy chick flick.

"W-What are you s-saying."

"I'm saying, that I do want to go on dates with you, and tell everyone you're my boyfriend, and hold your hand in public."

Tweek was so happy he could cry and then suddenly he was in Craigs embrace and it was them against the world.

Until he felt a tap on his shoulder "by the way, I also wanted to apologize, by spreading rumors twice now, I wanted to be yours so bad I did some bad things, and when you were mine I did even more bad things, now I see that you were never mine to begin with."

Tweek got out of his embrace with Craig and grasped Kenny. Kenny looked hesitant to hug back, but eventually he hugged back as well. After a few seconds Kenny pushed Tweek away

"I'm a fuck up, and I'll always fuck up, but you already found your fuck up, I just have to find my own person to fuck up."

Suddenly Butters interjected, he was so quiet that Tweek almost forgot he was there. "I don't think you're a um, fudge up."

Kenny smiled, "thank Butters."

To which Butters just blushed and looked at the ground. It seemed like everything was going to be okay.

A/N: one more chapter where we find out what happened between Kenny and Craig and we'll be done.

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