Chapter 3

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"It's too much pressure." Tweek all but screamed at the top of his lungs. So of course, everyone started staring at him which is even more pressure. Which then made him twitch which in turn made him embarrassed. So he felt even more Pressured. It really was just a painful cycle.

Then Craig came over and asked in his monotone, "what's going on here." It made Tweek's heart swell when he realized that Craig was looking out for him, and then sink when he realized he needed to explain what happened.

Thankfully Butters spoke up for him since Tweek couldn't make a noise. In Butters innocent way only he could manage he said. "Nothings wrong Craig, I was just asking Tweek if he was gay and I guess he panicked, I'm sorry."

Craig starred at the panicked blonde blankly before saying "just tell him you're not gay."

If it was only that simple Tweek thought when he realized everyone was waiting for his response, he shook his head signaling that he couldn't.

Craig stared at him strangely for what seemed like hours before Kenny whispered something in his ear and they walked away together.

Tweek had tears in his eyes, and he couldn't get them to go away. He could faintly hear Butters apologizing and everyone else's whispers about him, they weren't even trying to be discreet. Tweek knew he would be the news of the entire town for days to come.

He got up and left school. He decided he will just tell his parents he's scared. It's not like it's a lie, after all, he's terrified. He hung his head down in shame and walked out the door while he left, feeling everyone stare at him. He almost hoped Craig would chase after him, but no one came.

He was able to keep his calm for about three seconds while he left. However when he did leave it was like all hell broke loose.

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