Chapter 30

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Butters walked home that day with a weird feeling in his tummy. The though if Tweek and Kenny dating, and hugging, and kissing and stuff didn't sit well with Butters. But he didn't know why, they were both his good friends he should be happy for them.

Butter wasn't homophobic, he believed that love was love regardless of gender. So why did he feel do sick all of a sudden?

Maybe it's just suprise, after all not in a million years would he have ever thought Tweek and Kenny would like each other, let alone be going out on a date. What if they get married and have eight babies?

Butters didn't understand why he was so object to his friends happiness. Maybe it was because he was so sure Tweek likes Craig and vise versa, even if it was a little complicated. Ya, that has to be it, Butters thought, now I can rest.

But when he tried to rest it was still on his mind. Kenny and Tweek kissing were burning holes in Butters eyes and he didn't understand why.

Maybe today is just an off day, if he doesn't get grounded he'll go talk to someone about it tomarrow. Ya, that's what Butters will do and it will all get better.

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