Chapter 8

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Tweek woke up in the morning with a splitting headache feeling more nauseous than ever before. He ran as quickly as he could to the nearest bathroom and threw up.

Tweek lost count of how long he was in there, and how long he was throwing up by the time Craig came into the bathroom. Tweek blushed when he looked up and realized that Craig didn't have a top on however it was ruined when Tweek threw up again.

"Here, take this," Craig said while holding out a glass of water and some pills. Tweek took them but didn't say or do anything else. The truth was Tweek was embarrassed about the whole incident.

He doesn't even remember last night, the last thing he remembers was taking the bottle from Craig. He needed some answers starting with how he got there.

"C-Craig, ho-how d-did I get h-here." Tweek stuttered

Craig shrugged but replied, "I'm sorry, but I don't remember anything either." Tweek was disappointed he'll probably never know what happened that night, and this was when everything was supposed to get better

"If you want, I can make us breakfast."

Tweek smiled brightly, "I would like that." Maybe things will get better after all.

Tweek X CraigWhere stories live. Discover now