Chapter 10

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Tweek did the walk of shame from Craig's house that day. After breakfast, Tweek grabbed his shoes and silently walked out of the house in his clothes from yesterday.

He felt like he just had a one night stand even though he didn't. Oh god, Tweek thought, what if he did? He doesn't have any recollection of last night. What if he just lost his virginity and doesn't even remember.

Tweek felt like crying as he walked away. He didn't feel like going home and facing his parents, so he headed Starks Pond, he needed the time to think things through.

He was approaching his destination when he realized there was somebody there. Tweek was tempted to leave but in the end decided to change. After all, he's been trying to get better with his paranoia.

Tweek was more calmed, yet stressed when he realized that the person who was there turned out to be Kenny. Tweek didn't know how, but Kenny was connected to this entire thing somehow. Why else who Kenny be with Craig all the time so suddenly?

Tweek felt awkward, Kenny wasn't paying attention to him which he was thankful for, but he didn't know if he should sit by him or not. In the end, Tweek sat beside Kenny, and they stared into the water together.

They both knew not to disturb the other as they both sorted out their problems, together yet separate. They sat there until the sun went down and even though their lives both still sucked.

They both had a new strange respect for one another because their silence seemed to speak enough for both of them.

Unfortunately, the peace just seemed to just be the quiet before the storm.

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