chapter 2

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I waited for about 10 minutes for him to come back out, I decided to just leave. I head towards the door until the guy calls out for me

"Hey, you're not leaving without me are you?"

"I- you took a while, so I thought id just leave." Right.

"Um, sorry, I just finished something up really quick." He rolled his sleeves up and he had a few tattoos. Im pretty sure he was into games or something.

"Mortal Kombat? Your tattoo?" I awkwardly asked.

"Yeah, I used to play it with my brother back home."

"Back home?" Yeah, im just being nosey now.

"That's a story for another time, lets go?" Another time. We walked out of the shop and began towards where I live. His hand brushed over mine a few times and I swear there were butterflies.

We talked about random, pointless things. Mainly arguing about music. He seemed so cool about everything.I tried my best not to ask about his accent. I didnt want to come off as nosey. We were about 2 minutes from my apartment.

"Well, this is it. Thanks for walking me home. I dont know that many people here so, yeah." I pretty sure he tried leaning in for a hug, but me being a klutz, nearly fell back.

"Yeah, uh, no problem," he said rubbing the back of his neck. "I hope to see you around more." he said pulling me in for a hug. I sort of just stood there, he was warm though. He wouldnt let go, so i lightly pushed him away.

"Thanks again, see you around." I said, walking towards my apartment.

"Wait, um, this is cheesy, i know. but here." he handed me a cd, "its a mixed cd of my favorite songs, i thought you should have it." I took the cd and thanked him.

"Thank you, this is pretty cool actually. goodnight." I said smiling and again, walking away.

"I didnt get your name." He shouted out.

"Alex," I said. He smiled and walked the same way we came from. It wasnt until i reached my door until i realized i didnt even know his name. I unlocked the door and threw my bag on the floor and got out my laptop to put the cd in. When I opened its case, a small piece of paper fell out of it.

I've never done this so hopefully i didnt come off as strange for giving you a cd when i just barely met you.hope you like it. You know where to find me. -Matthew

Matthew. I listened to the whole cd and knew all the songs except for the last one. The cd was perfect. I know i just met him, but he was perfect. It bothered me because I really wanted to know what that last song is called and who its by. I tried googling the lyrics but nothing came it. I decided to ignore it and went to get ready for bed.




It was so early, maybe around 8 am, and yet theres someone knocking on my door. I ignored it and tried to fall back asleep. The knocking continued so i decided to see who it was. I quickly made myself look at least half way presentable and opened the door.

"What the fuck are you doing here..this early in the morning." Matthew was just standing there with a smile on his face.

"Well, someone's not a morning person. Get dressed,  we're going out." Yeah, right. Does he not know its literally like 8am.

"No way." Im in no mood to argue with some guy i met last night.

"Come on, please?"

"Fine, give me 30 minutes to get ready."

"15," He said, smiling.

I turn back towards my room to go get ready. I dont know who he thinks he is, just coming over to tell me to get ready. But honestly, deep down, Im somewhat glad he came. I put on a pair of skinnies and a hoodie because im too lazy to properly get dressed. I leave my hair down and apply light makeup.

I walk out back to the living room and find Matt just sitting there on his phone.

"Ok, can we back in an hour?" I ask.

"Nope, ill have you back before 6."

"Thats in 10 hours?"

"I know, come on." He says opening the door.

I honestly have no idea what were going to do all day, but Im excited.

Robbers // Matty HealyWhere stories live. Discover now