Chapter 25

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// Treat me like an old friend. //


It's only been a week since Matty left. It's honestly felt like longer. I was doing great, if you wanted me to lie about it. I obviously was horrible. I haven't been out of this apartment besides work. I've ordered in, the place is a mess. I'm a mess. I'm at the end of my netflix cue. So there's absolutely nothing to do. I haven't actually talked to anyone in the past few days. I've gotten a few missed calls from Matty, but I couldn't bring myself up to answer. There was a few missed calls from Luke, which were totally ignored. And a text or two from Kyle. I decided I wasn't going to sit around anymore. It was already late in the afternoon and I wasn't sure if he was home, but might as well try. I knocked on his door, hoping he wasn't there.

"Yeah?" A girl who looked a bit older than I was, probably the makeup, answered the door.

"Kyle, is he here?" I ask, trying to sound as nice as I could.

"Mhm," she said, rolling her eyes, still just standing there.

"Could you get him?" I sounded a bit rude, but I couldn't help it.

"Yeah, right. I'm guessing you're the neighbor? He never shuts up about you." She says, putting a cigarette to her lips.

"Well, I haven't seen him in a while- can you just get hi- actually I'm leaving. Tell him I stopped by." I didn't even know what I was doing here in the first place. I forced a smile and walked away.

"Hey! Alex, wait up!" He slams the door behind him, and runs over the end of the hall, where I was, "sorry about her, she's here for another week. Parents kicked her out. She's my step sister, in case you assumed anything different."

"She's a charm, huh." I lean against the brick wall, and reach for my phone.

"A saint, really," he laughs, "um, how are you? I haven't seen you in a while. Aren't you supposed to be with leather jacket? Where's he?"

"I'm ok. And he's in, uh, London. We broke up a while ago." I mess with the sleeves of my flannel a bit, to refrain from the awkwardness.

"Oh, wow. That's gr- sucks," he quickly corrects himself. I shrugged my shoulders, and press the elevator button, "Where are you headed?"

"Coffee, most likely. I'm not sure yet, I went over to see if you wanted to tag along."

"Okay, yeah." He smiles.

"I haven't exactly been out of the apartment in a while, so I need a little bit of sunlight."

"But the sun in setting already."

"Exactly." I say, before getting in the elevator. I pushed the button that had a star on it.

"We're walking? Or do you want me to drive?" He asked.

"Let's walk. It'll clear my mind a bit." I smile.

"What's on your mind that needs clearing?"

"Everything." We walk out to the lobby and out of the building. I didn't know which way to go since I didn't even know where I was going. I looked both ways, like a kid crossing the streets, then looked at Kyle.

"There's a small coffee place about 10 minuets away. It's better than the overrated Starbucks stuff." He says.

"Lead the way," I smile, thinking we should've drove.

"I don't mean to go prying into your personal life, but what happened between you two?"

"Story short, he left to London in hopes of getting a recording contract and he might not come back for a while. I don't do long distance or even believe it'll work, so I broke up with him. It sounds a bit pretentious saying it out loud, doesn't it? But don't worry, I'm not going to use you as a rebound or anything like that. I just need a friend."

"Well I'm glad you came to me." He says, and smiles.

Shortly after, we got to the place and I was surprised I never seen it. It was small with over grown plants surrounding the place. I was actually nice. It had a nice vibe to it. We ordered our drinks and sat on a low table in the corner. We went on rambling about movies, music and everything really. It was nice just to forget about everything.

We talked for what seemed like minutes, but was actually a few hours. He told me about his step sister, Emily, and how messed up her life was. He talked about how he hated when people wore band shirts, but don't actually listen to the band. We rambled on about which bands are better than the other, disagreeing on every one.

"I'm sorry, but we're closing up now." A worker said to us. We didn't even realize the time. We got up, thanked the guy behind the counter and left.

"I didn't even know we were here for that long." He says, checking the time on his phone.

"Neither did I."

It was a little more quiet on the way back home. It wasn't like an awkward silence though, more of a calming one. I haven't really walked home this late at night in a while. I forgot how pretty the night lights of the city look. Los Angeles, city of angels, as they say, it's such an amazing city. There's a huge difference between living in LA, and being here on vacation. Living here, you have to know your way around. It could hugest a bit hectic, due to the crowded city.

We got to our floor of the building and kind of stood at my door until someone said something.

"So um, I had fun tonight. It was nice seeing you out." He says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, thanks for coming along." I smile, playing with my keys.

"I'm just next door if you ever need to talk. We should hang more."

"Okay, we'll see. Goodnight, Kyle." I unlock the door.

"Goodnight," he says, and walks to his door. It was a bit odd that he literally lived next to me, but i guess I'll use that to my advantage.

I threw my bag on the counter and went to go clean up and get into bed. I'm a little overwhelmed I actually had a good time with him. He made me forget about everything and laugh about stupid little things. After my shower, I went to get clothes to put on. I found Matty's tshirt and was instantly reminded. I put it back and settled for something that was actually mine. My phone began ringing and I already knew who it was. I tried my best to press 'answer' but I just couldn't do it.

After a few minutes, I checked my phone and saw that he left a voicemail. I know for a fact, that Matty absolutely hates leaving voicemails. I decides to listen to it.

I understand why you won't answer my texts or calls. It hurts, doesn't it? I miss you so much. Things with our music is going well. I wish I could say when I'll be back, but- I miss you. God, I miss you so fucking much, you don't even know. I know you won't answer anytime soon, but i won't stop calling. I hate leaving voicemails, but it feels like I'm talking to you a little. Anyways, I gotta go. I love you.

I replayed the message a few times over again. I just missed his voice so much. I put down my phone and got into bed. I was a little upset at myself for not having the nerve to just call him and talk to him. I really wanted to talk to him, but I couldn't. I picked my phone back up and sent him a text saying I was sorry. I turned off my phone and placed it back down. I hugged the blankets and tried my best to fall asleep. I should start thinking about trying to get over him.




*****another update?!? So for those of you asking- I see Kyle as Austin Butler, Luke as Luke Hemmings (he's a babe.) and I'm not sure who I see as Alex. :)

And hate to say it, but Matty won't be in the next few chapters. Maybe I'll do a chapter on his POV next, I don't know. But he's going otg for now :(

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