Chapter 6

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I woke up at what it seemed to be the middle of the night. Matt's arm was wrapped around my waist keeping me close to him. We were still on the couch so I got up and noticed my neck was aching. It was a small couch so i'm not even sure how we managed to both fit.

"Hey..." Matt sleepily said, "lie back down."

"No, we don't fit." I stated, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I don't care," he said with a light laugh, "lie back down." I did as told, but lied down so that my back was facing him. He slowly snaked his arm back around my waist and kissed neck before again, drifting off.

-  -  -  -

I woke up a while later, alone and in my bed. I got up to look around to see if Matt was still here. He wasnt. I checked my phone for any texts. Just one from my mom, ignored. I know I shouldn't ignore her but I'm doing what I can to be happy. Keeping in touch with family is not what that it. Not after what happened last year.

I decided to text Matt to see why he left so early.

To: Matthew

Hey, you left a little early.

Almost an instant text back.

From: Matthew

Early? I left at 12 in the evening. I needed to be at work and I didn't want to wake you. come by the shop later? I had fun last night, again tonight maybe? (:

Again tonight? The sleeping over bit or the movie? I was completely clueless. Whatever.

To: Matthew

Yeah, I guess. I'll be there at 5? What time do you get off?

From: Matthew

About 5, come walking so we can drive back in my car together?

I texted him back saying ok and went to get ready since it was already 3:30.

An hour later, I begin walking to the record shop. I take the long way so I could kill time. I walk through a small local park and hear someone shout my name.

"Alex!" I turn back to see who it was, Luke. We sort of had a history. We grew up in the same hometown and have been good friends. We started dating freshman year of highschool through junior year. We were on good terms now, but I could always sense the awkward tension between us.

"Hey Luke," I smiled, "What are you doing here alone?"

He laughed, "Id ask you the same thing? Where's your boyfriend?" I smiled at the word 'boyfriend' just because it made me happy.

"I'm actually walking over to meet him at the record shop right now, I'll see you later?" I said, walking away.

"No, wait up," he said walking to catch up, "Ill walk you, its a long way to be walking alone."

"Um, yeah ok." I sort of missed him. Not like missing our relationship, but missed the friendship we had. We were friends before we dated and we were the best of friends. I know it may never get back to that point, but it'd be nice.

While walking, we talked about our childhood and growing up. How rebellious we were in highschool, the stupid things we would get ourselves into. Laughing at how naive we both were. The record shop was just across the street and I insisted I could cross by myself, but of course, being the way he is, he walked me over.

When we opened the door for me Matt slowly walked over to us.

"I guess i'll go now, see you soon," Luke said, giving me a hug, "I miss you Alex." He whispered. He let go and gave Matt a fake smile and said bye.

Robbers // Matty HealyWhere stories live. Discover now