Chapter 18

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"I just sat there for ages contemplating what to do with myself."



Matty's POV

Last night, I took Alex to the first place we ever hung out at. I wanted her to know that I remember everything. The fights and arguments, the laughs, everything. From the moment I saw her in the music shop, I knew she'd be a huge part of me. I want her to understand that. I didn't stay with her last night because I didn't want her to feel like we had a relationship based on just the physical attraction. Yeah, she's stunning, but we do have that mental connection as well.

I drove to her apartment building and parked my usual couple blocks away and walked over. Just as I was about to push the elevator button, someone taps my shoulder.

"Matt, right?" Perfect. The neighbor.

"Matty," I force myself to smile.

"Yeah, um, sorry. Going up," Kyle asks.

"Yeah, obviously." This is going to be the most awkward elevator ride in history.

As the door opens, we both step inside. I debated on whether or not to just wait for the next, but that was a but rude. So might as well make the best out of it.

"Look, you seem decent and all. But stay away from her. I could see the way you look at her. You like her, but she's not yours like. Okay?" I say, trying to keep my cool.

"Ive known her for a day or two. Yeah, she's great, but she's got a boyfriend." He says, not looking at me.

"Do you respect that?"

"I respect her, but unfortunately I like her. I can't help it, I'll do my best to keep it to myself, but no promises." The elevator stops and opens on the 3rd floor, Alex's apartment is on the 8th. I look up to see who's coming in. Luke. Fucking perfect.

"Oh this is gunna be awkward," Luke smirks.

"What are you doing here," I say to him.

"Visiting my best friend, the one who you almost fucked over. How about you?" He says.

"Don't push it." I warn him, "does she know you're coming?"

"Nope, I was at another friends to pick up some stuff so i figured I would drop by Alex's."

"She's busy, so you should just leave." I say, as Kyle laughs.

"She always has time for me, Healy. I've known her for years, you? Maybe a few months. Do not make her choose between her boyfriend and her best friend. It won't end well for you. Who do you think she moved her with? Who do you think was there for her while she fucking cried over you?" We all walked out the elevator, Kyle walked to his door and Luke and I stand in front of Alex's door not finished with our conversation.

"I don't care how long you've known her. She is my girlfriend. We had a misunderstanding that night, that's all. I don't understand why you're so sure id break her. You just don't get it." I say, rolling my eyes.

"I do get it. I just don't see what she sees in you. She was so different before she met you, you don't even know. Now, she just seems tired. Always tired. Happy, but drained. I just care for her." Fucking shit.

"Tired? She's happy. Don't you see the smiles? She doesn't have much anxiety as she's had when I first met her. Don't fucking tell me that I'm not any good for her. We get each other. And maybe, if you weren't so busy trying to get with her, you'd see she's doing just fine with me." I was nearly shouting.

"You both need to leave." I hear Alex say, I didn't even realize her door was open, "I don't care what you need, just leave. I'm fucking tired of arguing. Just go." And with that, a door slams right in our faces. I didn't bother to stay and get her to talk to me. I just left to the elevator before Luke gets in. I was upset. I needed to cool off. Thats the one thing with Alex that i dont understand. If she gets mad or upset about something she wont want to talk it through. I honestly dont see a reason why she had to tell us to leave. I love her, but she drives me crazy sometimes.




Alex's POV

I dont know exactly what happened, but Im so done with everything. I hate when someone is arguing because of me. If Luke and Matty cant get along, thats their problem, not mine. Id like them to get along, but I can see thats not happening anytime soon. I need to convince myseld that Im ok. Ill be okay. But Im not 'fine' at all. I feel like its a constant roller coaster with Matty. One day everything is perfectly fine, the next it goes wrong. Im too young to be this tired. I cant even tell if Im emotionally or physically tired anymore. It all feels the same.

There was someone at my door, and I figured it was either Luke or Matty so I didnt even bother to get up. Im not in the mood to talk to either of them right now. The knocking continued, but I couldnt ignore it.

"Oh," It was Kyle, the neighbor, "sorry i didnt answer sooner, I thought you'd be someone else."

"The blonde or your boyfriend? Yeah, I rode up the elevator with them, total awkwardness." he said, smiling.

"Yeah, sorry about that."

"Stop apologizing."

"Sorr- wanna come in?" I offer.

"Yeah, I heard the whole thing. I think half the floor did. Pretty rough, are you okay?"

"Nothing new, thats for sure." I laugh, not at all amused.

"Well, you know they both care about you. They may have a funny way of showing it, but they do. You didnt hear the conversations in the elevator. I got told to stay away from you, and boy, did he get upset when the tall blonde walked in." Why would Matty tell him to stay away from me?

"What did he say exactly, to you?"

"You know, the whole typical jealous boyfriend thing." Kyle says.

"Like what?" I ask, totally interested in how rude Matty must had been to him.

"Well, he has this theory. He basically thinks I have this huge crush on you." He says, rubbing his neck.

"Do you?"

"Does it matter? Anyways, he told me to stay away from you. I shouldnt even be here, but I figured you needed someone to talk to after that." He motions over to the door.

"Well, ignore him. I could talk to whoever I want to." I smile.

"You dont care if he gets mad?"

"Theres nothing to get mad about. He gets jealous a bit too easy. I get that he may be 'protective' or whatever, but he needs to trust that I wont do anything."

"What are you going to do?" He asks.

"I dont know. I feel like we've been through this a million times. We fight, call it off then I go back to him as if nothing happened. You know, for someone I just met, I sure did tell you a lot."

"True, Im just here to help though. I dont think its fair to you, thats all."

It wasnt fair to me. I shouldnt have to feel the way I do. I didn know what to do, but I feel like it isnt going to work. Me and Matty arent going to work, if he cant get along with my best friend and stop being so jealous of every guy I talk to. Its just not going to work out.




**** so I've officially decided that if you guys keep voting/ commenting that you want another chapter, I'll update faster. I just need that motivation :)

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