Chapter 23

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After a few hours at the pier, the sun was beginning to set. The day was great, last night was great. I really hope things get back to normal. Just a normal, happy relationship. As the day began to end, Matty started to constantly check his phone like he had something to do and it was quite annoying.

"Is there something you should be doing now? Or??" I asked, sounding like an impatient child.

"No, promise. Come on, I know how you hate traffic. We'll go back to mine, you can stay over, and we'll watch anything you'd like. How does that sound?" He sounded a bit rushed so I declined the offer.

"I think its best if you just drop me off at home," I forced a smile. I hated when people hid things from me, but maybe I was wrong and he wasnt hiding anything.

"Please dont make this into a big deal," he sighed, "things were going good. I was waiting for a call from home. My brother wanted to spend vacation here with me, so I was waiting for him to call me and tell me he hasnt changed his mind. I didnt think I needed to tell you, Im sorry." God, Im such an idiot.

"No, Im sorry. I just seem to think the worst of everything." I said, which was true. I always prepare myself for the worst possible outcome for any situation, "but I do need to go back home and finish school work. Id like you to stay with me but you'd be a distraction."

"I'll stay with you anyways, love. Lets go now." he held out his hand and I happily accepted. We walked slowly back to the car, just embracing each others company. 


After the stupid traffic, it took us an extra 20 minutes to get home. Matty parked his usual block or 2 away. Its a bit strange how he still, after all this time together, decides to park an unneccessary distance away from my apartment building. 

"I dont understand why you have to park this far." I said, nearly complaining.

He lit up a cigarrette, smiled, walked over to me and said, "because I like just walking with you." Thats sort of a generic statement, but Ill take it.

Once we got to my door, I told Matty it was time for me to finish up my school work. Finals were coming up and I couldnt afford to fail any classes. I basically shut myself in my bed room and studied. School was never really for me, but moving to LA was only possible if I stayed in school so, go figure. Growing up my mom was never really there, Ive never met my dad so I guess you could say Ive done everything myself. Im a little too independent. I cannot rely on anyone. There are maybe two or three people I actually trust. 

After 3 hours of studying, I did not feel like Ive learned a thing. It was getting late too.

"Babe, I think thats enough school for now." He walked over to my side of the bed, and took off my glasses.

"I need to finish this, one more hour, ok?" I tried grabbing my glasses out of Mattys hand, but he had quick reflexes.

"No, you look tired. Lets just sleep." He said, and i let out a small laugh.

"Its never 'just sleeping' with you." I joked, but was actually a bit serious.

"Okay, thats fair. But really, get rid of those text books and we'll watch a movie or you know." I dont actually know. But I had a better idea.

"Hm, I'll stop doing this, if you pick up that guitar and sing for me." 

"Fine, but two songs. Thats it." He grabbed my old guitar and tuned the poor thing and began strumming random chords. I literally threw the text books on the floor, got up and quickly changed into Mattys tshirt. There is nothing more comfortable than being in your boyfriends tshirt. The first song he played was What Makes You Beautiful by One direction, which I thought was a bit cheesy. But he slowed it down and made it more sensual, more heart-felt. The original is a pop anthem, Mattys version- complete sex. After he finished, I ran to the living room to turn off the lights. When I got back into my room, Matty was already sprawled out on the bed.

"Um, that was one song." I said, slightly confused.

"Ill do the second one tomorrow, Im so tired." He did sound sleepy, which was adorable because when he's tired, he has the rasp to his voice which is incredibly attractive. As much as I wanted him to keep singing, I just got into bed with him. There was a slightly awkward tension, but it didn't seem to bother Matty, as he basically pulled me onto his chest.

"I thought you were tired?" I said, sarcastically, trying to get off him.

"Never tired for you, love." He says, and gives me a kiss.

I like when we're like this. I like not having to worry about anything. Things are going good and I am genuinely happy. I buried my head into the crook of his neck, wrapped my arm around his waist and just enjoyed him. Memories of the day we met flooded my mind. He was just some guy at the record shop insisting on walking me home and showed up the next morning asking to take me out. Now? Im sorta sharing a bed with the kid. Who knew.




anyways, If I were to make a Luke Hemmings fanfic, would any of you lovelies read it? It wont be anything like this. I have a few chapters that I've written a few months ago but never actually uploaded it. So yeah, if you'd like a Luke fanfic, tell me!! :)

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