Chapter 11

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We got back to mine around 7:45 after a long, awkward car ride.

"I'm sorry tonight didn't go as planned." I told Matt while taking my heels off.

"Babe, first off, the night isn't ruined and second, it also isn't over." I guess he was right, but I didn't feel like doing anything.

"How about I just put in a movie and we just kick back, yeah?" He offered.

"Yeah, ok," I smiled, "but I'm gunna go shower first."

"Need help?"

I rolled my eyes and walked away. I didn't know if he was serious or not, but I laughed at the thought of what could possibly happen.

After a quick shower, I got into pajamas and jumped in bed. I wasn't tired physically, but mentally.

So much had happened today. I wanted Luke to still be here for me but nothing more than a friend. He needed to understand that I have a life far from high school, an actual life. I'm in a relationship that makes me happy. Matt needed to understand that there's nothing going on between me and Luke. He doesn't have to tell me straight out what he thinks of him, I could basically read him. I just want everything to be ok. No drama, no family drama, just peaceful bliss, for once.

"What are you thinking about?" Matt asked, he was sitting up and my head was on his lap looking up at him.

"Everything." I said.

"Well don't. Don't think about anything right now. Just us." He spoke softly, seductively.

Me I got up to kiss him, but he was quick to roll me over and pin me down.

"Tell me you love me," he laughed.

"I love you, just you. Now, get off me." I said. He dipped down so our lips would meet. He moved his hand to the back of my neck and the other for support. Our kisses started slow, gradually getting deeper, hotter. I didn't want it to stop. Matty looked at me for reassurance, I nodded and continued.

"Give me a sec," he said. After a few minutes, we were fast to continue where we left off. Kisses grew messy. Things got heated, fast. After undressing each other, he started going. First few thrusts were slow, I moved my hips to try and make him move faster.

"Too. Slow." I breathed, with that, he moved faster. He was whispering sweet things in my ear, while kissing my neck. We both released small moans, trying not to be so loud.

"Fuck, I'm not gunna last much longer," he said, moving in a little harder, his thrusts starting to grow sloppy. I ran my fingers through his hair, towards his neck to bring his face to mine. We shared another kiss before reaching our highs.

We layed there quietly, trying to relax. Both of us breathing heavily.

"I love you," he whispered, "so much." He kissed my forehead and layed his head on my chest.

"Love you more." I said, barely audible.



Next morning

I woke up feeling good. Matty wasn't in bed though. I reached for his shirt, slipped it on and went to see if he was still here.

"Morning, love," he was sitting at the kitchen counter, drinking coffee and writing something, "I know you hate eating breakfast, so I made you just coffee."

"Why are up so early?" I asked, tying my hair up.

"It's 11. And good morning to you too." He laughed.

I walked over to him and sat on the counter facing him, "good morning, Matty. Sleep well?" I smiled.

"Very well actually, I had a really cool dream," his eyes lit up.

"About what?"

"You. Me and you were dancing in a pitch black room, but you were the only thing visible. You glowed. Like angel, much like real life to be perfectly honest."

I just smiled, sat there speechless. His dream is so symbolic if you think about it.

"Anyways, what do you want to do today?" He asked.

"I need to get back to my school work, for school."

"Nope, not today. It's just you and I today, for the first time in a while, let's make it last, yeah?"

"What do you want to do today?"

"Same thing as last night," he smirked, "just kidding, I don't know."

"Well tell me what we're doing when you figure it out, but until then, school work." He rolled his eyes and nodded.

After a long, needed shower, I began on school. I take college courses online because I wasn't ready for a university. Maybe next year. Both me and Luke got accepted to UCLA, but I turned it down because I didn't need the added stress. That's sort of why Luke and I are both here, in Los Angeles. We got accepted after applying together. Ironic how I turned it down until next school year.

I began to wonder if Luke really meant what he said. It wouldnt change my feelings towards Matty though. It's just sudden. We've been broken up for over a year. It doesn't make any sense he'd bring it up now.

"I got it!" Matt says, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"What? Got what?" I say, confused.

"What we're going to do today," he smiles, "excited?"

"Well, what are we even doing?" I laugh at his sudden excitement.

"Movies and dinner?"

"We always do that," I slightly pouted.

"Um, how about the beach?"

"It's too cold."

"Ok, what about this?" He handed me a small envelope. I opened it and there were two tickets to tonight's gig for some band I had never heard of.

"The 1975?" I asked, slightly confused as to why I've never heard of them.

"Yeah, they're a decent band. Will you come with me? Please."

"I guess, but they better be good."

He laughed and pecked my lips.





****** ok ok! I know I said that 'the 1975' aren't gunna be in this, but I change my mind. (: they'll be just starting their music careers and stuff, and no the story isn't ending with Matty leaving to go on tour, so many more plot twists coming up. Thanks for reading! I don't want to sound pretentious, but I think my story has the most reads out of any fanatics about the 1975 or Matty so yay, thanks.

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