Chapter 9

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Two weeks later

Alex's POV

Its been two weeks. Two weeks since my last phone call with Matt. Two weeks since Ive left. I felt an emptiness inside of me every morning when I woke. Im only here to basically babysit Jake and Kenna. Ive been looking for a trusted babysitter for them so I could go back home, to LA. I honestly didnt even know what was going on with Matt. Ive tried calling, texting, but nothing. Two weeks felt like months.

I decided to get up and go get the kids ready for school. Jacob's 7 and Kenna's 9 so luckily they go to the same school and I wouldnt have to drive around to drop them off. I missed them. Ive noticed ever since I left, we've all become so distant, especially Kenna. I used to do her hair every morning, take her with me when i went shopping, we did a lot together for sisters who are almost 10 years apart. Everythings different.



I was asking around for a babysitter and several suggestions went to an older woman named Mary. I called her up and told her about the situation and she said she'd be happy to take over. She told me she's been babysitting for years, since her husband died and she wasnt capible of having kids. Later that day when both my mom and the kids were home, I wanted to tell my mom about the new babysitter.

"So, I found a possible babysitter for Ken and Jake." I said, hoping for a reasonable response.

"Thats great? Who?" My mom says, without even looking up at me.

"Her name is Mary, she's been a babysitter for several years, and she said she'd be happy to watch over them." I just wanted to go home.

"Really? I guess thats fine, what if she doesnt work out?"

"Then I'll come back." I said.

"Come back?" She asked.

"I may have already booked a flight home for tomorrow night, dont tell Kenna or Jake, please? I know things werent so great a year ago, but im willing to put it past us if you just see that I do have a life of my own now. I promise, if this Mary doesnt work out, I'll come back, but promise me you'll give her a chance. Im not a little girl anymore." I was close to tears, I really needed her to understand.

"Ok. If this doesnt work, youre coming back, right?" Not understanding at all.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Fine, leave Mary's number or text it to me and I'll give her a call, ok? I do appreciate you deciding to come out here for your family." She said, leaving the room.

It was already 7, so I decided to try and call Matty again. Ive been calling everyday since I left, but no answer. It rang several times, still no answer. I didnt know whether to just stop whatever was going on between us. He obviously didnt care. Guess I spoke too soon.

"Hello," I said, shyly.

"Alex," he paused for a moment, "Im sorry I havent been answering your messages. I um- Ive been busy. I'll explain soon, but not today. I miss you. A lot."

"I miss you too-"

"Hey, I need to go," he said, interupting me, "I'll call you as soon as I can ok?"

"Matty, Im coming home." I blurted out.

"What? When?" He sounded somewhat nervous.

"I fly back tomorrow night."

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