Chapter 8

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I woke up with Matt's arms hooked around my waist. After several attempts to get of his arms, I finally was able to get up only to be pulled back down again.

"You're not going anywhere." He groaned.

"Its like 12, come on, get up."

"Since when are you a morning person?"

"Again, its 12. Matty come on, please? I still need to meet up with my mom." I got up to check my phone, 5 unread texts, 2 missed calls. All from my mom. Perfect.

From: Mom

Meet me @ the grove around 2.

I had more than enough time to get ready, but I went ahead and got ready anyways.

By the time I was all ready, it was 1:33 and Matt had left so I decided to get going. The Grove was about 15 minutes from where I lived. I thought of possible scenarios of what exactly my Mom needed. Why was it so important that she had to fly here? Was a phone call not good enough? This wasn't going to be good.

The drive took longer than I expected due to LA traffic. When I arrived, I walked around looking for my Mom. After a while, I found her sitting by the fountain.

"Alex. Finally. Thanks for coming." She greeted.

"Yeah, I can't stay for long, I have plans." I lied.

"With who? Wanna be rockstar guy with tattoos, from last night?" She fired back.

"Why did you come all the way here?" I quickly changed the subject, not wanting to argue.

"I need you to come back home," she paused, waiting for a reaction, "I know things for you back home were rough, but I need you. I'm working full time now, and there's no one to watch over Jacob and Kenna."

"Get a babysitter." I harshly said.

"They miss you, Alex." I did have a good relationship with my siblings, but I couldn't move back there.

"Im not moving back there, I'm sorry, I have everything I could ever want here."

"Him? Alex.. we're family. He's nothing."

"Nothing? He's been here for me in the past few months more than you have in a few years. He isn't 'nothing'. And my decision has nothing to do with him. I'm not going." Maybe it does have something to do with Matt.

"Please. Just think about it. If you change your mind, you can come home for a few months, just until I find a decent babysitter. Im not asking for much here." Not asking for much? Your asking me to move across the freaking country and drop everything here for you. That's a bit much.

"I'll think about it, ok," I sighed, "Ill let you know tomorrow."

"Thats fine. Do this for me, please." She said, with little expression. I said bye, and went back home. Luckily, Matt wasn't come over until 6. It's still only half past 3. I didn't know what to do. A part of me wanted to go back home. because its the right thing to do, but I didn't want to leave Matt. I thought about the pros and cons of moving back. More cons than pros, but they were still family. I didn't know whether or not to ask about Matts opinion. I didn't know what to do. My Mom said its just until she finds a decent babysitter, but that could take weeks, months.

After what seemed to be hours, I finally came to a decision. I'm going. I hate the fact that I won't be able to see Matt, but honestly, he's the only reason I want to stay.

There was a sudden knock on my door, I checked the time and it was only 5. I opened the door to see Matt.

"You weren't answering your phone, so I figured something was wrong. Are you okay," he asked walking in, "what happened today?"

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