Chapter 17

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"She had a face straight out a magazine."

We pulled up to this big house, bigger than the last one we went to. Music blaring into your ears, horrible house music. Right when we walked through the front door, you could see how fucked up people get at these parties.

"What am I getting myself into?" I asked, motioning over to the group of kids smoking who knows what.

"I won't let anything get out of hand with you, ok, babe?" Matty says, gripping my hand.

"I wanna have fun though, remember?" I whined.

"One of us needs to drive back, remember that." He says, kissing my cheek.

We made our way over to the kitchen to grab drinks. Warm beer and cheap vodka. Typical.

"Drink up." Matt hands me a red plastic cup, and I do as I'm told.

"This is fucking gross." I say, nearly chugging down the cup.

"Alex?! I didn't know you'd be here." I turn around and see the guy who moved in next to me.

"Oh hey, Kyle right?" I smile. Matt fake coughs, and nudges my arm, "and um, this is Matty."

"Her boyfriend," Matty says, putting his arm around my waist.

"Nice to meet you," Kyle held out his hand for a shake, but Matty didn't move, "well, Alex, I'll see you later."

"Yeah, you know where I live," I joked, as Kyle walked away.

"What the fuck was that?" I say, "he was just being nice."

"Well, he has a crush on you." Matty says, rolling his eyes.

"Not every guy i talk to has a crush on me." I groan.

"But he particularly does. It's obvious, did you not see the way he checked you out?" He says, jealousy obvious in his tone.

"Well you don't have to worry about anything, because I'm here, with you." I say, trying not to sound too sappy. He gave me a weak smile and placed his lips right on mine. Things got hot quick. We made out for a good 3 minutes, until someone bumped into us, nearly knocking me off Matty's lap.

"What the fuck, man" he says, to the guy.

"Get a room, go bang your whore upstairs." The guy was obviously drunk and probably high.

"Do not talk about her like that, I'm warning you."

"Matty, let's just go, come on." I say, tugging at the bottom of his shirt. He takes my hand and drags me out of the crowd.

"Where are we going?" I yell, Matty obviously pissed off.

"Back home, I shouldn't have brought you here in the first place, come on."

"What happened to having fun?" I asked, sarcastically.

"We'll 'have fun' somewhere else, not here." He took my hand again, tightened his grip, and continued walking. I kept quiet and just followed him. We got in the car and he drove the opposite direction "home" was.

"Where are we-"

"You'll see. Just relax," he sighed.

"You're upset, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just drop it."

"I'm not gunna just 'drop it', talk to me." He pulled over at the side of the freeway and looked over at me and shook his head.

"I'm tired," he sighed, "tired of seeing the way guys look at you. They look at you and think things that only I should be thinking. I'm tired of constantly having to make sure I'm the only one you'll feel this way about. It's frustrating, jealousy is frustrating. You are frustrating. You're so beautiful, so fucking beautiful. A bit complicated, but still. You could have any guy crawling over you, and yet, you pick me. I'm still so confused."

He was upset, over insecurity.

"Matty, babe." I sighed, "You need to stop being so insecure. I'm with you because I want to be. Do you know how many times I've been told that you aren't any good for me? I don't care what people say about you, I know you're good. I know who you are. You bring out the best in me, and you know that. You are not bring me down. Okay?"

"I love you so much." He leaned so our lips would meet.

"I love you too," I kissed him back, "but can we just go home? It's getting late."

"Not yet," he turned the car back on and continues driving.

We drove for quite a long time until I realized where we were going. I decided to keep pretending like i didnt know where we we going though just for the fun of it. We drove for another 10 minutes until he parked the car.

"I figure you already know where we are?" Matty says, leading the way.

"Yeah, of course," he brought me back to the beach. The same one we came to the day after we met. It was almost midnight and we were at the beach.

"We wont stay long, I just really like it here. Its the first place we've been to together," he smiles.

"Yeah, you came knocking on my door at 8am, the day after we met. How could I forget?" I say, remembering how natural our relationship is. Nothing is forced. I dont feel like i have to change how i am around him.

"But everything was worth it," he whispers, putting his arm around me.

"Definitely worth it."




**** Look who updated :) Thanks for all the sweet comments telling me to keep going, I REALLY appreciated it. and I GOT TICKETS TO SEE THE 1975 IN LA!! YESSSS this will be my second time seeing them and the show is four days after I see 5SOS which is a week after my birthday! :) ANYWAYS, i hope you enjoyed this update. The next chapter isnt going to be all cute and sappy like this one. so yeah :D

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