Chapter 5

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*** I think i'm going to keep this story on Alex's POV. So yeah, enjoying? It'll get more intense in the next few chapters.






I believe you.

I felt a wave of relieve rush over me.

We just sat there for a few minutes, not saying anything and still in each others arms.

"I just wish you'd seen it earlier." he said, breaking the silence.

"Seen what?"

"My feelings for you," he said laughing, "I thought I made it a little obvious, you know, starting from the day we met I always knew we'd be here at some point. We just clicked, from the start."

"I know." I said. It was true. From the day he was borderline annoying me at the record shop, I knew we'd be friends. Just not like this. I liked him. We left the pier to go find a Starbucks. It was really cold and windy by now and Matt was in a thin black tshirt. We still had a little way of walking until we got to the car. I kept looking at him shivering because of the cold.

"Im fine, I promise," he said, lacing his fingers with mine. We got to the car a few minutes later and he blasted the heater on. It got so warm that I had to take his sweater off. We spent the rest of the car talking about pointless stuff. When we got to the Starbucks I handed him his sweater back but he just shook his head telling me to put it back on. When we walked into the room, that bittersweet smell of coffee filled the air. It wasnt too full of people. I saw one of my friends there so I decided before ordering anything Id go say hi. I grabbed Matt over to where my friend was sitting.

"Hey Luke!" I said.

"Aw, hey 'Lex. I havent seen you in a while," he smiled, giving me a hug, "Who's he?" He said, looking over at Matt.

"This is Matthew, my- um-"

"Boyfriend. I'm her boyfriend, nice to meet you" Matt stated, smiling at me.

"That's great! I'll see you guys soon. yeah?" Luke said as he waved goodbye and walking out. It was nice seeing him, I guess.

We decided that both of us actually didn't want coffee, so we left sms made our way to mine. He parked a few blocks away, as usual.

"Why do you always park this far?" I asked, already knowing his answer.

"Because its a few more minutes I could spend with you." Yeah. that wasn't what I thought he would say.

"So, um, boyfriend huh?" I said, sarcastically.

"Only if you want, love" he said, draping his arm over me.

"Of course." 


When we got to my apartment building, I honestly didn't want him to leave.

"Can you stay for longer?" I asked, maybe sounding desperate.

"Yeah, ok" he said smiling. After an awkward elevator ride, we got up to my door. I unlocked it, inviting him in.

"I thought you said you lived in a small apartment?" he asked, looking at my collection of cds.

"It is small." It was.

We decided to put in a movie.

"Okay, so its either Disney or some horror movie." I said, looking over all the movies I had.

"Whats in there now?"

"Monsters inc." I said seriously, but he just burst into laughter.

"Haha, just come here for a second," he said, pulling me onto his lap, "You know I really really like you? And I'm glad you're mine now. You're honestly the best thing that's ever happened, you showed me that I do belong somewhere, with you."

And with that, he leaned in and placed his lips on mine. It wasn't too long before things got heated. His hands roaming around my waist, my fingers lingering through his hair. He kissed the top of my head, breaking the intensity.

"We should start watching a movie, before things get out of hand." he said smiling. 

We decided on watching a cheap horror flick. When the movie was about halfway through, I was getting sleepy.

"Come here," he said pulling me closer to where my head was rested against his chest and his arm around my waist. I lifted my head and kissed his neck before drifting off to sleep.







*** This was short, I know. The next chapter will be a bit longer. Thanks for reading!

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