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"(Y/N), I want to talk to you for a while. " Mrs. Park said, in a normal tone, which is a little bit weird because she usually talks with thick France accent.

"What is it, Mrs. Park? " I asked timidly.

Mrs. Park sat on her office chair and spun a few times before answering me.

"Are you dating with my son? " she asked.

"O-Of course not! " I accidentally raised my voice. I quickly apologize as I realised I was being rude.

"It's okay, I just need to confirm. You do know the rules right? No one is allow to date anyone who is under the same company. " Mrs. Park said sternly, supporting her chin with her hands.

I nodded, "Yes, ma'am. "

"But if you're dating my son.. Well.. I guess I won't forbid it. " she winked at me, and her thick accent came back.

"Do you like him? "

Do I like Jimin? I don't know.. It's already been a year. Sure I do miss him a lot, but I'm not really sure if I like him or not. My feelings towards him had faded.

"I demand for an answer. "

"I... I'm not sure. "

Mrs. Park slammed her fist on the table and scoffed, "Are you loca?! Park Ji Min- My dearest son is a very attractive and nice gentleman. Girls would die to date him even for a day! "

Yeah, gentleman, my ass.

"I know, but I- "

"Please. " she suddenly grabbed both of my hands and looked at me with pitiful eyes, "I can tell Jimin likes you very much. Just give him a chance. "

Sighing, I answered her: "Mrs. Park, I need time- "

"If you don't accept him I'll just fire you. " she smirked.

"Are you.. Threatening me right now? " I asked in disbelief.

"Yes. " Mrs. Park folded her arms, "Why? Are you unsatisfied? Don't you know I can do whatever I want? I own this company. Jimin is just the CEO, you are still under my control. "

Seriously, this old woman-

"So please accept him, alright? Jimin has been going out with different girls every time, yet he never maintains a relationship for a week. "

"But- I- "

"Now off you go. Bye. Remember, tell this to Jimin and you're dead. " she made a motion of her finger crossing her neck, telling me I'm gonna be dead if Jimin finds out about this.

"Yes, ma'am. " I sighed.

Closing her office door, I got startled as I heard her start singing a Mexican song. I walked across the hallway and stopped in front of an elevator. When the elevator's door opened, I saw Jimin was standing inside.

He greeted me with a wide grin. I smiled back and decided to wait for another elevator, but Jimin ushered me to step in. I had no choice, so I have to stand awkwardly beside Jimin. I stood at the edge of the elevator, standing as far as I could from Jimin.

"Yah, why are you standing that far? " he asked.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Park, but we shouldn't use banmal at work. " I said formally.

He scoffed, "I'm the CEO, I can do whatever I want to. "

Yeah, but your crazy mother is still the boss.

Suddenly, the lights went out and the elevator stopped, causing me to panic. I hate darkness, and silence. My worst fears increased my heartbeat, sweats forming on my forehead and back almost immediately.

Whimpering, my legs gave away and I slumped down on the floor.

"Are you alright? " Jimin asked.

"I.. I-I'm fine. " I managed to complete my sentence.

Jimin switched on his phone and turned on the flashlight, he kneeled down and embraced me.

"Hey hey, look at me. " Jimin said, cupping both of my cheeks as he put his phone on the floor.

"You're gonna be okay, alright? We're gonna get out of here safely, so don't worry. I'm here for you. "

I nodded weakly, leaning my head against his chest. I could hear his heart thumping loudly, as if it's gonna burst out from his chest.

"You made me nervous. " Jimin chuckled, "Do you know you look so pretty today? Oh wait, you're always pretty. It's just that you look super pretty today. "

I chuckled, hitting him in the arm.

"Stop it. "

"Why? I'm just stating the truth. Especially when I saw your white laced bra from the front, damn I really wanna take you now in here. "

I quickly pushed him off and scowled at him. I forgot that the upper part of my dress is see-through fabric. I shouldn't have wore the white one today!

"Get away from me. " I warned.

"Where did the scared and helpless (Y/N) go? " he mocked, "Yah, don't move. I think I saw something.. Right behind you. "

Jimin sounded so scared, and I literally jumped on him because I thought he saw a ghost or something.

"Oh my gosh, save me! " I cried, tears threatening to spill.

"Haha! You're such a coward! " Jimin laughed out loud. I realized he pulled a prank on me, so I continued hitting him.

"Aish, it hurts. " he hissed, catching my wrists and pinned them above my head as he pushed me up against the wall.

"J-Jimin.. "

"Hmm? Did I say you can drop the honorifics? Call me.. "

Jimin leaned forward and whispered into my ear, "Mr. Park. "

He bit my earlobe lightly, causing me to whimper and try to struggle out from his grip.

"Stay still and let Daddy Park make you feel good. "

Wow, really? He went from Mr. Park to Daddy Park real quick.

Jimin stared into my eyes, as if reading my mind. Slowly, he leans in and our lips met. He kissed me slowly and sensually at first, but the kiss got deeper as time passed.

My hands were released now, and I ran my fingers across his hair. I accidentally let out a moan when Jimin squeezed my hips, rubbing circles on them. One of his hand travelled north and rubbed my inner thigh.

We didn't stop kissing until the lights came back. Jimin quickly pulled off and swiped his hair back, fixing his shirt. I too, straightening my dress and combed my hair using my fingers.

"Mr. Park.. I- "

"Hush, meet me in the office later. " he said, walking out from the elevator as the door open.

I was still in dazed. My mind couldn't process what happened just a moment ago. I have to admit that, I actually enjoyed that hot make out session, with my boss. Or should I say.. My ex-boyfriend?

Perverted CEO Park j.m. [Book 2] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now