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"Ha Yun, let's go to the hospital and take the DNA test— "

"How could you doubt me, Jimin?! It's your child! After what you've done and you're just gonna doubt me for the rest of your life? "

"Stop being so sensitive. " Jimin sighed at Ha Yun, who was practically crying, "I'm just.. Saying. "

Within a second, Ha Yun's expression turned bright and she flashed a huge smile, "Jimin-ah, shall we go buy some baby's stuff? "

"Not today. " Jimin harshly rejected her offer, "I still have work. Bye. "

Jimin left Ha Yun's house and went to the parking lot. The sky was mixed with layers of orange and yellow, the stars are hanging up the sky slowly. A tears rolled down Jimin's cheek, following by another one. He hit the steering wheel, banging his head on it.

He wanted to turn back time. He wanted to hit himself in the face, for fucking up. He's never been so drunk before, how could he not recognize Ha Yun and fucked with her? And got her pregnant?!

Just one mistake. One. And his whole life is over.
"(Y/N). " her name rolled off his tongue. He wanted to meet her. He wanted to apologize again and ask her to return into his arms, once again, but he knew it's impossible.


'I miss her', thought Jackson. He's the ultimate playboy, or you can just say fuckboy. Girls adored him. They loved his sweet talks, though they already knew they're all nothing but beautiful lies. They knew he had a long list of one-night-stands, still, they wanted to get in his pants. But there's one girl Jackson ever craved. He's in love with her. He wanted to make her his.

He met her while he was shopping for groceries. He saw her standing on her toes, trying to reach for that mustard on the shelf. Somehow, they exchanged numbers after Jackson helped her and they became fuckbuddies. He begged her to be his girlfriend, but the girl refused to. He never did this to any girl. To him, she's the most unique girl in the world.

Every single detail of her imprinted in his heart. And the girl's name is-

"Kim Ha Yun. " Jackson whispered to himself, secretly looking at the suggestive pictures she sent to him few weeks ago.

He sighed and shook his head a few times before placing down his phone and continued drinking his tea. A familiar figure caught his attention from the outside of the cafe. Jackson grinned to himself and knocked on the glass, making the person outside spun around.

"Hey, Jackson, my man! " Kim Nam Joon, his long-gone best friend exclaimed as he entered the cafe and gave Jackson a bro hug. Jackson returned the hug, of course. He loves Namjoon very much. Not romantically, but as a brother. As a friend. He always adored Namjoon. He thinks Namjoon is very talented and handsome.

"Yo, stop staring at me. " Namjoon chuckled, "What? Am I too attractive and turned you gay? "

"Yeah, actually. " Jackson laughed, "It's been a year since we last met. "

"Mmhmm. " Namjoon hummed in response, "So what are you doing lately? Still fucking around with different girls every night? "

Jackson shook his head, "Nah. They can't satisfy me. Not like Ha Yun. "

"Wait. " Namjoon looked shocked when he heard the name rolled off Jackson's tongue, "Ha Yun who? "

"Oh, sorry, my bad. See, so I met this girl named Kim Ha Yun. She's very pretty, and I... I actually like her. A lot. " Jackson confessed, "But sadly, she likes some guy named Jimmy or something. I forgot his name. "

"Jimin. " Namjoon corrected, "D-Do you have her picture? "

"Yeah, why? " Jackson asked curiously, switching on his phone and showed her picture to Namjoon. Namjoon gasped, his mouth agape.

"Oh my gosh. " he mourned, "Why do you have to like her? "

"What's wrong? " Jackson asked again, "Is she a criminal? Why can't I like her? "

"Look. " Namjoon sighed, "Jackson, I don't want you to get hurt, so I suggest you to stop seeing her. "

Jackson was furious, and confused. Anger took over him. He stood up, causing the chair to fall backwards, "What do you mean you 'don't want me to get hurt'?! What now? Are you trying to control my life? "

Namjoon scowled at Jackson because of his sudden outburst, "Why are you yelling? I'm just trying to help, dude. "

"No. " Jackson hissed, "I don't care if she's someone bad or whatever, no one can stop me from loving her. Ha Yun is mine. "

Jackson left the cafe furiously, leaving Namjoon all alone, dealing with those embarrassing stares from the customers. Namjoon apologized to every one and picked up the fallen chair, muttering to himself:

"Only if he knows Ha Yun's a real bitch. "

Perverted CEO Park j.m. [Book 2] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now