Chapter 20

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Hello loves! Sorry I only got wifi now because I am on vacation! Since this got over 820 reads I decided to keep going! So please enjoy and keep sharing this story with people!

Song: Brave by Sara Bareilles



~~~~~~Brentley's POV~~~~~~

I sat by Niall in Paul's car still shaking from being mobbed not even five minutes ago. My mind was racing with the comments thrown at me,

"You don't deserve him!"

"You're too ugly for him!"

"Bitch" "Whore" "Cunt"

I was completely and utterly frightened. How could they judge me when I had never spoken a word to them? It just blows my mind. I can feel a tear form but I fight the urge and just tell myself I can do it later. I hope Louis, Liam, Harry, Zayn, Maranda, and Shea have everything under control. Knowing we will be late makes me worry that everything won't get done. I slowly begin to pull myself out of Niall's comforting hold and look up at him with a sheepish smile, which he returns. I sit up right and text Maranda,

'Hey, is everything going according to plan? We will be running a few minutes late but I will explain later.'

I send and wait for her reply as Paul gets into the drivers seat and starts the car.

"So where were you two headed?" Paul asks while he starts the car and looks back through the rear view mirror.

I quickly type the address and hand my phone to Paul also adding that it was a secret destination.

"Alright, oh and Niall your car is going to be taken back to your place now." He said as we pulled onto the main road.

"Thanks" he says quietly looking out the window. What's with him? I decide to not ask and look out the window and watch buildings pass by.

---------10 minutes later--------

"We are here!" Paul says a he unlocks the doors.

"Thank you so much Paul. Are you sure you don't want to come in?" I ask before I step out.

"Maybe just for a few minutes." He says smiling at me.

I smile back while Niall looks from me to Paul in total confusion. I take his hand and we walk up to the front door of what looks like an old run down pub. I open the door and let Niall walk in first and as he takes one step inside neon lights flash on and everyone comes out screaming,


He smiled and turns around to face me and pulls me into a massive bear hug which catches me by surprise but I hug him back smiling.

"Did you do all of this?" He asks with astonishment.

"I had the lovely help of your best mates and my two best friends!" I said giving credit to them for setting everything up and getting the invitations out.

"Thank you." He said quietly and sincerely.

Before I could answer Sean, Dylan, and Daragh come out from a couch on our left and run towards Niall screaming, "Happy 20th mate!"

I laugh as they clutch each other in a big bro hug. Once they let go Maura, Bobby, Greg, and Denise come out from behind the boys. Niall's jaw drops ten feet and I swear I could almost see him tear up. Maura hugged him first whispering something in his ear which made him smile even bigger. Once she let go Bobby gave him a short hug and wished him happy birthday. Greg was next saying, "Don't forget what I told you about being twenty..." while laughing and nodding towards me. I gave Greg a questioning look while he moved out of the way for Denise to say hello and give him well wishes. He then takes my hand to which I feel chills run down my back. I follow him through his friends to the bar where the boys are sat with Maranda, Shea, Eleanor, and Perrie.

"Happy birthday Niall! So are you two official now or...?" Louis asks smiling and winking at me. I roll my eyes and I can feel my cheeks go red.

"Thank you and I don't know, are we?" Niall says looking at me for my answer.

I look at him completely bewildered by his previous response not sure to whether slap him or to walk straight out of this club. "You'll never know until you ask and right now it isn't looking too good."

He raises his eyebrows in surprise but quickly gathers himself and just smirks, "Okay, later then."

Ugh, idiot. "I think I need something to drink. One virgin hurricane please." I say to the bartender.

"Ooh, I love this song!" Maranda says as 'Classic by MKTO' plays through the massive speakers.

She takes mine and Shea's hands and leads us out onto the dance floor before I could even get my drink, which I was looking forward to. About an hour of talking to random people and dancing I feel the need to go freshen up a bit.

"I'll be right back." I yell over the music to Maranda and Shea. They nod and I head towards the sign that reads 'The Bitches'. Wow.....nice touch. I sigh heavily before walking in.

After I fix my make up and control a few wild baby hairs I walk out to see a blonde quiff I knew only too well.

"Echem" I say to get his attention and see what he is doing.

He turns around and as he notices it is me he smirks, "Hey sexy, how ya doin'? I mus say , that dress makes yer bum look fantastic." His words are slurred and heavy with his Irish accent. The smell of alcohol evident and heavy, beer and rum most likely. Not a smell I personally enjoy.

"Okay, I'm pretty sure you have quite a buzz. Lets take you home." I say putting his right arm over my shoulder to give him support as we walk to the bar for me to ask Paul for a ride home. On our way Niall thinks its a good idea to grab my bum. Yeah, bad decision. I slap him slightly and then support his body once again.

"That hurt." He said looking away.

"Good." I mumbled under my breath.

"Paul, I think Niall is ready to go home." I say nodding towards Niall now laughing at who knows what.

Paul didn't budge. He just kept taking with someone I couldn't see. I tried tapping his shoulder but he just shrugged me off. Shit, okay, Harry.

I lead Niall over to Harry at the opposite side of the bar. "Harry can you take me and Niall home please?"

"Oh, hello darling, you look nice." He says smiling.

"Thank you. Now can you drive us home or can I borrow your Range Rover?" I ask.

"Here." He says handing me the keys. Yep, drunk as well.

"Thanks." I mumble as I walk off with Niall. We push through the hot sweaty people who occasionally pull me or Niall towards them to which I pull away from them.

Once we are out in the cold fresh air I click the panic button on Harry's key in search for his Rover. To my left lights go off and before the sirens sound I stop it. I walk towards the car with Niall still dragging on. I shift his weight a little to get a better grip on him as we continue.

"Brentley." A cold voice says.

I stop dead which makes Niall halt and look up at the source of the voice. I look up and feel myself stop breathing.

"Move or be moved. And get out of here." I say sternly trying to muster up every ounce of confidence I have. My grip on Niall tightens.

"But why would I do that?"


Ooh cliffhanger!!! Who is it? What does he want?

Get this to 950 reads to find out!

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