Chapter 7

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~~~~~~Niall's POV~~~~~~~

I followed Louis out of the room where Brentley and Shea stood. I can't believe that she is here! What do I do? What do I say? I was so shocked that I didn't say anything. Wow, nice work Niall, just not say anything. As I was getting lost in my thoughts Louis finally stopped walking a few meters away from the door.

"Well, well, well! What do you have to say for yourself Niall?" Louis said sarcastically as he stared at me with his wide cheeky grin.

"We met when Preston and I went to Starbucks to pick up our drinks before the show. She was in front of us and we bumped into each other as we received our orders. That's it. I didn't expect to ever see her again but now that she is here.....I don't know. But I do know that I want to get to know her. She is different and there is just something about her that is magnetic. Look you can laugh at me all you want but I am being serious." I managed to get out my answer quickly awaiting the smart ass remarks from Louis teasing me.

"I am happy for you mate and I won't laugh at you. At least now you know how I feel about Eleanor." He said calmly still keeping that cheeky grin on his face.

"Thanks mate. So how did you two meet?" I asked as I cocked my eyebrow at him with a smirk on my face.

"We should go back to the girls and let them know where they are sitting and that the show is about to start!" Louis said as he ran back to the door that lead to the room the girls were in.

I soon followed behind and made sure to be careful of my knee so I don't make it worse.

"Well the show starts in 30 minutes so we have to go and get ready! Through that door to your left is the arena, you ladies will have seats in the sound box with Eleanor and Perrie." Said Louis looking at the two girls who were breathing heavily and trying to hold in their laughter. I couldn't help but smile when I saw Brentley, she had those eyes that made you feel warm and comfortable.

"Alright, good luck boys!" Said Shea as she quickly grabbed Brentley and went through the door towards the stage to go into the arena. It happened so fast I wasn't able to get a word put to Brentley. I was kind of relieved though as to I had no idea what to say.

After they left Louis and I went to the dressing room to change and then to Lou to get our hair done. We can't get the hair to stay up in a quiff like she does! Plus I want to look in top shape for Brentley since she was here to watch. All the while I was getting ready I couldn't get Brentley out of my mind. Our song Irresistible kept playing in my head when I thought of her.

"Five minutes lads! Lets go!" Shouted Paul as he walked to group us together to get to our positions underneath the stage.

I stood in my spot and waited for our count down to begin. This was it. Breathe Niall, just keep breathing. It is just another concert. You can do this.

The chords of Up All Night began to play and the floor began to rise. I could see Brentley, Shea, Eleanor, and Perrie sitting in the sound box in the middle of the arena. I could feel my heart race and my cheeks get a light pink. Brentley smiled as she watched us perform which made me smile even bigger.

We continued to perform and when I got to my solo in 'More Than This' I waved towards Brentley and blushed as she waved back. The girls near her began to scream even louder which I thought wasn't humanly possible. Next thing I knew I felt my knee dislocate again and I fell off the stage and luckily landed some what in Paul's reach to help break my fall. Shit, Brentley just saw this. Just my luck. I could hear the arena go silent and the boys gathered above me to see if I was alright. I blacked out the next second and all I could hear was the muffled voices of Paul and Preston next to me.

-------30 Minutes Later------

"Is he in a concussion?"

" What made him fall?"

"Did he break something?"

I kept my eyes closed and tried to figure out who was speaking. I could feel that I was on some couch and had a pillow underneath my head. As well as feel a soft plush blanket covering me from my feet up to my neck. I recognised Zayn's voice, Louis' voice, and Brentley's voice who spoke though I am not sure to whom. I figured it is the doctor, if there is even one in the room.

I decided to finally open my eyes and look to see exactly where I am. As I opened my eyes I saw Brentley sitting at the edge of the couch I was laying on looking at a man who I think is some sort of paramedic with fear and anxiety. Shea stood next to her holding her hand in attempt to comfort her. Louis, Zayn, Harry, and Liam stood in front of the couch with worry in their eyes as they looked towards me, noticing that I finally woke up.

"How do you feel Niall?" Asked the paramedic as he leaned down to check my knee.

"My knee hurts from dislocating it, but I think I will be fine. Can I have some water please?" I asked as I looked towards the boys to try and make them see that I was alright.

"I will get it." Said Brentley as she quickly stood up making sure that she didn't move me and walked quickly out the door to get the water.

"She is just worried and it takes time for things to sink in with her. So just five her a chance to calm down." Shea said quietly so where only I could hear with a kind smile on her face.

"Thank you." I said back with a smile.

Brentley soon returned with the water and helped me sit up so that I could drink. I could see in her eyes that she was worried.

"I am fine, I will be in top shape in no time. Please don't worry." I said attempting at making her feel better.

"Okay, I'm glad that you feel better." She said as she tried to fake a smile and hide her worry. At least I know she cares. I just don't want her to stress about me.

"So when can I get back to normal?" I asked the paramedic who was packing his things now that he knew I wasn't in a concussion.

"It can take a few days to heal. So you will need to stay laying down for the ligaments to heal for you to walk again." He said as he stood next to me with his gear in hand to leave.

"Okay, but what about the tour?" Asked the lads with confusion.

"Just let him perform sitting down, he just can't stand long or walk otherwise his knee will dislocate again." Said the paramedic as he quickly left the room and shut the door behind him.

"Well thanks! That helps a lot..." We all said sarcastically as the room began to get awkwardly quiet.

Shea finally spoke up but not with what I wanted to hear, " Brentley and I have to go, we have Uni in the morning so we need to go. Good night lads, thank you for everything! We will talk soon. And Niall, I hope you feel better soon." Shea and Brentley stood up and gave hugs and said their goodbyes. Brentley finally got to me and after she hugged me she handed me my phone which I don't know how she got but I honestly don't care. She had my phone! I unlocked it to see that she had put her contact information in and saved her number in my phone.

"Call or text me and let me know if you need anything. Goodnight Niall, feel better soon." Brentley said as she smiled at me with that beautiful smile.

"I will definitely let you know. Goodnight Brentley." I said while smiling and turning a light pink in my cheeks.

Shea and Brentley walked to the door and soon left out of sight. The lads soon helped me get to the hotel and into bed. It was nearly midnight and we had to cancel the rest of tonights show due to my incident. I fell asleep with the image of Brentley in my mind already dreaming about what I would text to her the next morning.


Thank you sooooooo much for over 65 reads!!! You loves are incredible!! Please keep spreading the word and please keep reading!

Was it what you expected? What will happen between Niall and Brentley as he goes through his injury? Could this be the start to a relationship? Get this to 80 reads and we will see what happens!!

P.S. I am sorry I updated a little late!! This will happen very rarely!

Thanks loves!

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