Slow Dancing and Coffee Cups

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(Introduction of characters)

"How was your day Brentley?" asked my friends Maranda and Shea as school was let out. 

"It was horrible, everything that could go wrong did. But anyways! Enough of my pity story! How was your day?" I replied trying to not make it a big deal. I always tried to hide when I was hurting; I am just the type of person who doesn't like to stay focused on the negative. 

"Mine was fine! I am just seriously craving Starbucks! Wanna go grab some?" Maranda asked while trying to not laugh as she watched me trip over my own feet as we walked to her car. 

"Sounds perfect!" Shea and I quickly agreed in unison.

------------------At Starbucks------------------

"Wow, it feels like the whole city is in here. Where does the line even begin?" asked Shea 

"I think over there on the other side of those chairs." Maranda suggested.

We quickly walked over trying to maneuver between the packed cafe. Once we made it through we made ourselves comfortable as we knew this would take some time.

"So what happened today that made your day horrible?" She asked trying to make conversation. 

"Well today my instructor yelled at me for completely no reason and assigned me twice as much work as the other students. Now I not only have to write a paper of how Contemporary dance has changed today's choreography, I have to perform an original Contemporary choreographed dance in front of the entire class. Did I mention it is all due in 3 days?!" I slipped out fast releasing all of the anger that had built up all day long. I felt relieved and fresh yet i felt bad as Maranda and Shea just stared at me in awe of all that I had to do.

"That is insane! Do you want me to help? Just let me know if you need someone to test your choreography on. I will definitely be there." Maranda quickly said to try and lighten the mood.

-----------30 Minutes Later------------

"Finally we are next!" Shea complained as we neared the main counter to order. 

"Hi, what can I get you lovelies?" asked the girl at the counter trying to not look stressed out by the afternoon rush.

I want first, "One Grande Peppermint Frappuccino with one Birthday Cake Pop please!" 

Then Maranda, "One Grande Oreo Fappuccino please!" 

Lastly Shea, "One Grande White Chocolate Mocha please!"

"And your names?" asked the girl.

Maranda quickly answered, "Maranda, Brentley, and Shea!"

We paid and quickly moved out of the way so the next person in line could order. I looked over to the counter and saw a handsome blonde-brunette with the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. I began to stare but was quickly disturbed by Maranda snapping her fingers in my face saying, "Hello??? Brentley......are you there???"

"Oh...What??" I answered trying to act like nothing had happened. 

"Ugh, never mind haha." Maranda said trying to not laugh at me too loud because she knew i saw the handsome guy behind us in line.

I suddenly felt a light tap on my shoulder and as I turned I found myself looking into the beautiful sea blue eyes of the guy that once stood behind us in line.

"I think your order is ready." said the guy with a thick Irish accent and a cute smirk on his face as he pointed to the counter where our drinks stood ready to be picked up.

"Oh, thanks!" I managed to get out trying to not make a fool of myself as I kept eye contact which was so hard to break since his eyes were so beautiful.

"No problem, anytime, Brentley." he said as he smiled and watched as we walked to get our drinks and leave the cafe.

To Be Continued..............


This is my first fanfic so if you like it please spread it to get more reads! If you have any requests, ideas, or oppinions please share in a comment! I would love to hear your feedback!


P.s. More reads = more chapters and sooner updates!

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