Chapter 3

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~~~~~~~~~~Brentley's POV~~~~~~~~~

We arrived at Marandas place and I went straight to the couch just wanting to lay down. I couldn't get those longing blue eyes out of my thoughts. His voice rang in my head as I heard him say my name. For some reason I feel like I have seen him before, I am not sure how or where since London is so big. I will admit.....him in SnapBacks are obviously one of my weaknesses. Why was he wearing his hood up? It is a beautiful day, which doesn't happen too often.

"So what is the plan for tonight ladies?!" Shea squealed as she jumped on top of me on the couch landing with her butt right in the middle of my torso.

"Aaahhhhh.......gosh Shea get your butt out of my stomach! If you don't move you will have my coffee all over you!" I yelled in pain trying not to gag as we all laughed.

"But seriously, where are we going?! Oooh! What about the new dance club that opened a few weeks ago??" Shea finally got out after she finished laughing so hard that she had tears streaming down her face.

'And the tears stream down my face....' That was song lyrics, but from what?? Oh well.

"Sure, lets go! I need a night out on the town after what happened today!" I said while thinking about what to wear.  

"Alright we will all meet back here at 8:30!" Maranda said excitedly as she walked us out.

Shea and I lived right next door to each other. Our flats were just down the street from Maranda's so we didn't mind the walk. We kept our conversation to small talk until She finally said what had been bugging her all afternoon.

"The guy that was behind us while we were getting our coffee seemed familiar. I think I have heard his voice before. I don't know how but I feel like I know him. And to be honest I think he wanted to know you."

"Look Shea, thanks but honestly it's not a big deal. I will never see him again. But you are right he did seem awkwardly familiar." And that was the end of that conversation. Finally we reached our flats.

Ahhh, home at last! I flopped on my bed and buried my face in the pillow. I finally lifted my head and turned my iPod on loud filling the room with music. That was my favorite feeling. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. I then got out with my towel tightly wrapped around my body and walked to my closet to choose what to wear. A cocktail dress? No, not easy to dance in. Skinny jeans, cute top, and heels? Yes! Cute, casual, and comfortable.

I quickly got changed and straightened my hair. My hair took the longest because I have thick curly hair. Most people tell me it is a blessing but I look at it as a blessing and a curse since it takes so long to do what I want with it. I didn't have to worry about make-up since I hardly ever wear any. I only wear it to special events, I just honestly don't really like it. It feels weird and I don't like the way anything I do but the natural look looks on me.

It was 8:10, crap if I didn't leave now I would be late. I grabbed my phone and purse and ran out of my flat to Shea's. She had just walked out and was locking her door when I walked up. She had a cocktail dress on, which was typical since she could dance in almost anything. I on the other hand had trouble with keeping my skirt down because when I dance I get into it. But what can I say? I am a dancer, it's what I do.

"Hey, oooh someone looks gorgeous!" Shea squealed with excitement.

"Hey, and thanks! So do you! That dress looks so good on you!" I said as I felt like a five year old about to be taken to get ice cream. I was ready to hit the dance floor and forget about all the stress.

"Let's go!" Shea yelled as we walked to Maranda's flat.


"We're here!!!" We yelled as she opened the door. Maranda wore a cocktail dress as well but had black tights underneath. She could always take an outfit and make it look effortlessly beautiful without even trying. I will admit I do get quite insecure around most of my friends because they are all so beautiful and then there is me.

"Into the car ladies! Brentley please tell me you brought your iPod, because we are gonna blast it!" Maranda said as we got into the car and blasted the music.

Once we arrived at Funky Buddah we could hear the music from inside from almost a kilometer away. The closer we got the more excited I became!

We parked the car and walked up to the entrance. A security guard, with huge biceps and by his size I was guessing he had at least a six pack, stood before the door in front of a velvet rope.

"ID please." Asked the guard and we all showed him our IDs.

"Thank you, and have fun." He said with practically no emotion.

"Thanks!!!" We yelled back as he lifted the velvet rope and opened the door.

Inside it was dark and there were flashing neon lights that reflected off the dance floor and the bottles at the bar that was set on the right side of the room. The place was packed and loud but we didn't care, we liked it that way. I headed straight for the bar to order a virgin Piña Colada. I only drink when I am with my family, I don't want to make a complete fool of myself in front of complete strangers. The others followed and ordered their drinks too, we all ordered virgin drinks.

"What can I get you beautiful ladies tonight?" Asked the bartender as we sat down to wait for our drinks.

"One Virgin Piña Colada, one Virgin Margarita, and one Virgin Hurricane please!" I replied quickly so that we would get our drinks faster. As we waited we decided to scan around the place and see if we find anyone we would be interested in. I was disturbed by a tap on my shoulder and heard a familiar voice say, "I think your order is ready."


Thanks for the reads! Please keep spreading the word! I hope you guys like it so far!

Do you think She was right about destiny or is it just coincidence that they said that??

Cliffhanger!! What could happen next?!

To find out get this to 20 reads and I will update!


P.s. sorry this chapter is kinda short :)

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