Hired By Bieber: 3

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I feel like writing an extra long chapter. This took me about an hour so enjoy


I woke up in a hotel room alone. People think we are sharing a hotel room but they don't really know us. There is no way I can be in the same room with him alone, with a bed. Because trust me, all we would would is argue like little kids fighting over the last Halloween candy. I heard a knock on the door and it was Justin.

"You have 40 minutes to get dressed, I'm taking you out for breakfast, we need to make a "janessa" appearance." Justin said. I nodded ok and closed the door on him. I took a quick shower and wore a cute pink dress. I curled my hair and out some natural make up on. I knocked on Justin door and he was ready. He wore a plain white shirt with some shorts and red vans (skater phase). I walked towards the elevator and Justin was behind me using his phone. He seems to always take selfies and use his phones. Gosh he's an addict. Once the elevator went to the first floor I could hear screams from outside. Justin holds my hand and puts his phone in his pocket. Justin had his hair messy and only combed it. So everyone kept commenting about his hair. Once we walked outside girls were screaming and crying and Justin spent about 15 taking pictures and autographs and did the same. Everyone have me their twitter usernames so Justin and I could follow them but I'm pretty sure they would just PERFER Justin to follow them. Justin came closer to me and held my hand and fixed his hair with his other hand. We went into the black SUV and the driver drove off. "the breakfast" Justin said." Where's your manners? Oh wait you don't have any, forgot you are a little kid who still needs his mommy to wipe his butt after she poops" I said all proudly. "That's why you have to do that job now, you know, since your on tour with me" Justin said.

You won.

The driver laughed and I crossed my legs and arms in hatred. Justin was using his phone once again and taking more selfies and was playing games and it's like he's a little toddler. Ugh I hate him. We finally arrived at the breakfast place and I it was even harder to get into the place so we just decided to order the food and bring in to the staples Center. We drove to the staples center to check on how things are going and Justin immediately had his serious game on and made sure everything was perfect. I thought he would of been the type of person that always messed around. Justin had sound check. He sang and dance and he made sure every thing was in place, he checked all the props and the lights, the mics and instruments. He was very professional about it and I've never seen this side of Justin before. Justin did a complete run through of his show and damn, it was amazing. Every time he hit those high notes and dance in the music breaks, it fit in well.

Finally it was 10 minutes before he had to go on stage. I've been hearing screams by the stage and it's pretty awesome, it have me chills. Justin came in from his dressing room and he was shirtless but wearing a white blazer with black pants and white supras. "No gloves this time?" I asked. He looked at me and fixed his blazer, "I didn't know you were a fan" he said smiling. "I'm not, I'm glad your not wearing gloves, you looked stupid" I protested. I had to be mean because I do hate him. But spending time with him has made me realize that he isn't a bad person. I still hate him. Justin giggled and walked away. As Justin was walking away he was doing some vocal exercises and he was jumping up and down. "You look dumb" I shouted. He flipped me off and kept walking.

Justin went on the platform and looked pretty nervous. "Here we go" Justin said looking at me. I could hear the fans count down and Justin got more excited. The platform rose and in seconds Justin was gone. The crowd got louder and I got hear him singing as long as you love me. I caught myself smiling and I stopped myself before anyone saw me.

After Justin performed for 1 hour and 45 minutes he got off the stage on the same platform and he was in a black tank top with red pants and was wearing black supras. He was all sweaty but he couldn't stop smiling. The crew cheered for him and I did too, mainly because they don't know that we are a planned couple. Justin walked back to the dressing room and didn't look at me. I have mix feelings about Bieber, one moment I like him and another I hate him. People kind of stared at me so i got the hint that I should follow him. I walked behind him leaving him a distance from me. He walked in his dressing room and didn't shut the down. I walked in and closed it for him. It was quiet for a long moment and he finally broke the ice. "Do you want something?" Justin asked while taking off his shirt exposing his tattoos and throwing it on the floor. "I thought we needed some Janessa action backstage." I commented. "Everyone knows were a planned couple, you can leave if you want" Justin said as he took of his pants. I turned around so I wouldn't stare, thank god he wore underwear. "You know want some" Justin said smiling. "Never in a million years, Is rather die in a ocean of my own tears" I said is disgust. Justin laughed and commented "too bad no one will be at your funeral, at least I won't go". I rolled my eyes and Justin went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. "I'm showering now so I know you would love to stay but I kind of want my own privacy" Justin yelled from the bathroom. "Like I said, I rather starve to death than be in the same shower with you" I yelled back. I'm not sure who won this one but I hate him even more now. He thinks he is perfect but I hate him so much. I left the room and went to the main Room where their were chips and drinks and I just kind of pigged out while I was waiting.

We waited for Justin's tour bus to come and we were heading to Arizona. The bus finally came and holy crap he has a massive tour bus. Finally I chose a bed and went to sleep. It was a weird day.

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