Hired By Bieber:25

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I woke up, my bed was empty, I was alone and naked.

My body was sore and I felt like I ran a marathon.

"Shit" I said as I stretched.

Someone knocked at the door and I put on my robe. I yelled "give me a minute".

I walked to the door as my robe was completely on.

I opened the door and it was Justin.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Um, I need my clothes" Justin said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Come in" I gestured.

He walked to my closet and grabbed all the clothes that was hanging and put it in a bag.

"Would your like some water?" I asked.

"Yeah that would be awesome" Justin said smiling.

I couldn't tell if this was awkward or just weird.

I went to grab some water and I came back and handed the cup to Justin.

"Thanks" he said as he chugged the water without stopping to take a breathe.

I was just watching him as he began sweating from all of the kneeling down and going back up.

"You hot?" I asked.

"What?" Justin asked confused.

"Are you hot? Like is it hot in here?" I repeated.

"Oh, uh, nah, I'll be out in a minute anyways" Justin said.

Justin finally finished and I walked him to the door.

"So thanks for letting me get my clothes" Justin said smiling.

"Yeah, sorry that I couldn't do it for you like I said. I didn't have much time" I said.

I opened the door and he slowly walked out.

"You know- this may feel really awkward, but something tells me that we made a bad choice" Justin said.

I didn't reply, hoping he didn't say anything.

He dropped his things and kissed me.

I couldn't help it but let him kiss me, nothing stopped me.

Our kisses were rough, very aggressive.

I backed away, "I never knew I would have this type of moment, but I can't do this" I said.

Justin just stared at me.

"You're dating Miley and I'm dating Neymar, it's just way too complicated" I said.

"You're dating your personal driver?" Justin asked in surprise.

"You got a problem?" I asked a bit offended.

"Why you dating that bastard? Is it for sex?" Justin asked.

Ok, now I'm offended.

"why the fuck would you think like that Justin! That's fucking stupid, fucking ass hole" I yelled in anger.

"Damn, you must really fucking hate this guy" he said calmly as he tried to not smile but failed.

"Why would you say that?" I asked confused now.

"Because you didn't stop kissing me after 6 seconds, if you actually loved him, or like- you know what I mean- then you would of reacted sooner. Do yourself a favor, don't go out with him and break his fucking heart, he doesn't deserve it" Justin said.

"Since when did you care about Neymar?" I asked.

"I don't care about Neymar, I care about you" justin said.

Then he whispered after his long hesitation.

"I care about you"

I let out a long sigh, "we are way too complicated" I said.

"Look, I'll give you time, we need time apart" he said.

"Look, I think it will be easier if we would just go our separate ways, which also means breaking up for the media" I said.

"Agreed" Justin said quickly.

No hesitations.

Just plain and simple.

"Ok, deal" I said.

"There's nothing to deal with" Justin said just acting like an ass.

We both smiled and giggled a little bit:

"I'll tell the news to Scooter and Melissa" he said.

"Since they out us through hell, we will put them through hell. Let's just announce it to the media without telling scooter and Melissa" I said smiling.

"Great fucking idea!" Justin yelled as he did a big high five.

Justin went on twitter and tweeted.

" J </3 V "

Then by the second every believer for crazy, I goit millions of tweets asking if it was true and half of them were death threats.

Justin then tweeted "don't send any hate to Vanessa, we both decided this, no one cheated on each other, we still love each other but we had too many downs, no ups, after everything we had been through, we thought that it couldn't work any longer, so again, please don't send any hate"

"I just spent like 6 tweets on this haha" Justin said.

"Well it's official now" I said smiling but a bit heart broken.

"Bye Vanessa" Justin said while grabbing his stuff.

"Bye" I said giving him one last kiss on the cheek.

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