Hired By Bieber: 15

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"Vanessa, Justin told me what happen and if you don't want to do this anymore than we don't have to. The tour is over and a break up is okay" Scooter said. I looked at Justin and he looked extremely sad. "ok, I want to stop this" I said. Justin left the room and I looked down at the table hiding my tears. "Ok, Janessa is over I guess, who will announce it?" Melissa asked. "let them find out by themselves" I said in sadly. I left the room and got in my car. I turned on the car and his damn song was on the radio again. I turned off the radio and I began hitting my steering wheel. I was hitting it extremely hard and all this anger began flowling through my body. "I fucking hate this!" i kept yelling. I began driving and I got on the freeway.tears were streaming down my face and I was speeding a bit. I got a text and I looked at it and it was from Melisa and it said "r u ok?". I replied "no". I put my phone back in my purse and I looked at the road and I was in the wrong lane. I Quickly turned and the car flipped and a semi truck ran me over. My car was flipping and rolling and I hit my head really hard on the window. boom it was black.

I opened my eyes, my body was sweaty and hot. I took off the covers and my head was hurting. "i recomemnd shaving your head". i kept hearing the nurse's voice in my head. I dont want my head to be shaved. Screw that.

I grabbed the water bottle near me and chugged the water. Wow I was thirsty. Because of Justin i'm in this hell hole. I closed my eyes forcing myself to go back to sleep but forcing it didnt do any good, it made it worse.

I licked my chapped lips and slowly felt my head. I was still wearing a bandage around it and it felt weird. I closed my eyes again trying to relax my body but it kept getting more tense and stiff.

I took some pain killers hoping the pain went away but it took too long. I slowly began closing my eyes relaxning. 

Scooter got off his chair and went in for a shake. I shakes his hand. Justin stayed sitting and just waved at me, he was chewing gum and wearing black pants with a white shirt and a black leather jacket. He was still wearing his sun glasses and it's honestly rude to be wearing them inside a building. Of course I refused to wave back and I did anyways. This was my job, I must act professional. I sat down next to Melissa it was quiet for a second, I think they were planning what to say. 

"Melissa broke the silence and began talking "so Scooter and I found a great way for you to become more known, but this May be a challenging way because well... You won't like it. Trust Justin doesn't even know yet. But this will help you and I know it may not be the best way but the fastest way". She kind of stop and kept planning, it looked like I wasn't going to like the idea and I have a feeling I won't. Scooter began talking so not all eyes were on Melissa, "you and Justin should temporary date". "what!" I shouted in shock and Justin got off his chair and began raising his voice "no way, I am not dating her!" She crops see his arm acting like a complete drama queen. Scooter began talking but at the same calm voice "Justin, you haven't dated in 3 years, you need to date to get more headlines, or at least good ones so they could stop finding bad things to judge you on, it will help Melissa because she isn't huge on the modeling business and it's a win win situation". I thought about it. As much as I hate him, I would do that to get better gigs. Justin stared at me for a bit, then he turns away and walks out the living room. I followed him to talk to him. 

I slowly opened my eyes. I checked the time and it was 4:05 AM. Why do I keep having these flashbacks and why do I keep waking up. My eyes slowly shut and I drifted away.

I woke up and I heard the engine of the bus and the sound of cars passing by. It was a little bumpy and I felt naked and warm. I noticed I had my arm around a smooth hard body. I looked up and Justin was laying down in the same bed as me. I took my arm off of him and stared at him. He looked so peaceful. I checked he under the covers and we were both completely naked. I got off the bed and out back my bra and thong. I couldn't find my clothes anywhere and finally Justin groaned and stretched his arms. He smiled at me and said "damn, you are amazing at night sex".

"What?" I questioned in confusion.

"Yeah, we had sex, don't you remember?" Justin asked smiling.

"No, I can't remember anything" I said.

"We went clubbing and you got completely wasted, i thought it was an act until you dragged me back in the bus and began stripping me and yourself. You pushed me on the bed and began getting all over me" Justin said while stretching his head.

"And you didn't stop me?" I asked in anger.

"I was drunk and but wasted" Justin replied.

I woke up again but this time I was mad. Why do I keep waking up? I drank more water and blew my nose. I tried going to sleep hoping I wouldnt dream another flashback.

Justin went on the platform and looked pretty nervous. "Here we go" Justin said looking at me. I could hear the fans count down and Justin got more excited. The platform rose and in seconds Justin was gone. The crowd got louder and I got hear him singing as long as you love me. I caught myself smiling and I stopped myself before anyone saw me. 

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