Hired By Bieber: 18

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I was finally able to take of my bandage. I grabbed the mirror next to me and examined my half-bald head. I saw the stables and the redness around the thick stables.

"looks good" The doctor said whiling examining my head.

I looked at Justin as he was sitting across me shaking his left leg up and down anxiously and tapping his fingers on his knee. When he realized that I was watching him he made eye contact with me and smiled. Of course I smiled back.

"Well I'm going to remove your stables and you will be free of medications and you will be able to be normal again. All though i'm not sure if Justin will dig the rocker hair" The doctor said laghing at the end.

"I'll love her even if she was bald" Justin said smiling.

I couldn't help myself but by laughing after that sweet, cheesy, flirty remark. 

As we were walking out of the doctor'sbuilding we could already hear the fans screaming and getting excited. "Do you want to go through the back?" Justin asked as he slowly grabbed my hand and held it.

"no, it's okay. I can handle your loving fans" I said smiling.

"damn, They are crazy, but I love it" Justin smiling as we speed up our walking pace.

Before we entered the main lobby I wore a beanie to cover up the red scar.

Moshe met us from the front door and held it opened for us as the screaming got louder and the fans got pushier and more agressive with Justin's other bodyguards.

I could hear the screaming, the crying, the camera flash, the girls screaming "OH MY GOD" and crying at the same time.

"Justin I love you! bizzle DOWNLOAD Shots" a fan screamed nearby. Justin laughed and he walked around taking pictures with fans but he was still holding my hand. I entered every picture and Justin kept telling fans to use the app shots to take picture and if they didn't have it he would promote it. 

what a dork.

After taking several pictures and signing several posters we finally entered the black van. As we both made it safely inside the van the bodyguards slammed the door extremely hard that it shook the van. "wow, I miss this" I said. 

"I felt so isolated, you know?" I said, adding a question at the end.

"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, It sucks to be isolated, it's just something I hate" Justin said looking down. Then decided the add "It's something no one should go through".

How did this conversation end up so sad, so depressed. so..what's the word?... Worried.

Why would Justin feel isolated?

"why do you feel like that?" I asked placing my hand on his upper left leg.

"It's like, i like- I just dunno" Justin said stuttering. I knew he was going to tell me something but then he changed his mind. "you know you can tell me anything right?" I said as we both made direct eye contact. 

"I know" Justin said as he nodded his head as a slow "yes" and he licked his soft, pinkish lips.

"It's just-um-like-just" Justin said stopping and thinking of how to say it.

"After that arguement we had- after You- when you- when you left and drove off" Justin said stopping once more. "I felt like it was my fault".

"why? it was my fault, clearly I wasn't watching the road" I said trying to cheer him up.

Justin gave a fake smile and cleared his throat and said in a soft raspy voice "okay".

The van came to a clear stop. "We are here" Justin said. I looked out the window and I saw Justin's house. "home sweet home" Justin said opening the door as I saw Za and Ryan walking out the main door. "Yo Justin!" They both yelled at the same time. I walked out the van and the boys were greeting each other with their weird ass hand shakes. When they finished their non-sense they finally decided to acknowledged me. "welcome to your new home" Za said.

"Oh, I don't know about that" I said scratching the back of my head.

"you know, Justin non stop talks about you. You should be glad" Ryan added. 

"move in move in move in" the two boys chanted. 

"woah, I've been here for less than 30 seconds and I already have a headache from you two" I said smiling at the end.

We all laughed and Justin added "Now you feel my pain".

We all added a small laughter and we walked inside. 

"so did you wreck anything?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, we called Miley and said she could wreck shit here" Ryan added.

I laughed and Za added "The music video was shot here".

"very funny" Justin said as he went into the fridge to grad a cold drink. "want to play Xbox?" Ryan asked. "Sure" I said. "not you" Za said. "hey boys be nice" Justin said. "we just kidding J" Za said while handing me a xbox control. 

"How do you even hold this shit?" I asked while looking confused at the controller.

"damn...Justin, you need to work on her" Za said laughing.

"Inside and out" Ryan added laughing even harder.

"Grow up" I said in disgust but actually enjoying the fact that he mentions inside and out. I rolled my eyes and gave the control to Justin and I went to the fridge to grab a drink.

He literaly has beer, beer and more beer. "seriously Justin?" I asked. "what?" Justin yelled when he already sat down on the sofa. "Beer?" I said making sure he knew what I meant.

"don't judge" Ryan said as he drank some beer. "this is gross" I said to myself but making sure it was loud enough for them to hear too. "let's play some FIFA" Justin said screaming. Well not screaming but just talking very loudly and excited. 

"Maybe I'll play for 20 minutes, I need to go to the studio" Justin said as he was setting up the game. "you just got home man, give yourself a break" Za said. "take care of your girl man" Ryan added.

I finally grabbed an apple and walked by the sofa and as soon as I sat down I took a bite of my apple. I was staring at Justin because he was so into the game, he was so focused, he bit his bottom lip for concentration. 

I looked at the screen and Justin's team was getting closer to the opponents goal and he made a goal and he jumped up and began yelling. Za and Ryan were disappointed and yelling at each other.

Their dorks too.

I felt my phone vibrate and I checked what it was and it was Melissa, The text read. 

I need to talk to you, not through text, something big happened and it's bad..... It's about Justin.

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