Hired By Bieber: 9

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You two guys are cute together they said. you guys are meant to be they kept saying. It was all a scam. It was a joke, only a joke.

I went to the airport, i wore a black hoodie and black sweat pants so no one would recognize me. Media is the last thing i need. Plus I don't want to make it obvious that we broke up or something. I took the first flight back to LA. So far their was no paps or fans, Good thing it was 6 in the morning. Justin didn't even bother to call which means he probably passed out. I sat and waited for the plane to be ready for people to board. I stared at my contact list. I selected Justin's name and started at it. I deleted it. I don't want to do this at all.

I arrived at LA and took a taxi to my apartment. I entered my apartment and I smiled. I layed down my bed and cried. My phone began to ring and I answered it. 

"Vanessa, where are you?" Melissa asked.

I hung up the phone and threw it far away from my reach. I went to shower so my face can be fresh. The phone kept ringing, It wasn't only Melissa calling me, It was also Scooter. What, Scooter wants to give me a raise? fuck that. 

I got a text on my phone from Scooter and i opened it.

Scooter: Vanessa, Justin told me that you disappeared on him. He has no idea why. All he remembers is that he was extremely drunk last night and that he has no idea what he had said. No one knows where you are and we need you. please reply. Thanks,   Scooter..

Me: Scooter, I'm done with Justin, He can go fuck himself... Thanks,  Vanessa xx.

I wasn't sure if Scooter was lieing to me or if Justin was lying to me. Justin kept calling me, I did delete him from my contacts but I still recognize his number. I finally answered. 

Justin: "where are you V?"

Me: "NO where in sight."

J: "Look, i didn;t mean anything. I was drunk"

Me:" did you have sex with the stripper?"

Justin took a long sigh. "yes"

Me:"and you expect me to forget about it?"

Justin:"no. of course not. We just need to someone act like none of it happened. You can hate me all you want but please come back."

Me:"if you buy me a ticket back to Dallas"

Justin:" why? where are you?"


Justin:"Jesus Christ Vanessa, I'll meet you at the airport."

Me:"no one knows I left Justin"

Justin:"If you could wait, I can send you my private jet, it has wifi and better quality food, it will keep you better under cover"

Me:"no it's fine, i'll just say i had a model gig here or something."

I hung up the phone and started at the wall. No tears, No tears.

I grabbed my stuff and added more clothes, I didn't bother folding them. I walked to the garage and went into my car. I know I was probably over reacting but, I love Justin. He is the one guy that I actually loved and now it's ruined. Now i'm really doing my job, which is just acting like i love him. I looked at my phone again and I saved Justin's number. I drove to the airport and Justin bought me first class. Is that a "I'm sorry present"? because it didn't work. The paps were all over me and I just kept ignoring them. I hugged some fans and took pictures with them. I didn't look so good, I wore a hoodie and sunglasses to make sure they didn't see my red eyes because of my crying.

I arrived and the paps kept following from the garage. "Did you guys break up?" They yelled. "no, I had a modeling gig." I said yelling back. I went into a black SUV and the driver was driving me back to Justin. I can't believe I'm actually gong back. I don't want to go back but I basically don't have a choice.

I went into the tour bus and Scooter, Justin and Melissa were all sitting down. Justin got up and asked to speak with me alone. Scooter and Melissa left us two alone in the Tour bus. Justin kept quiet thinking what to say. Or a least the right words to say. "Vanessa, I'm extremely sorry" Justin said in a serious tone. I kept avoiding eye contact. He knew that he shouldn't touch me. He cleared his throat "look, I was drunk, but i'm sober now and I honestly didn't want to hurt you at all and you have every right to be pissed off at me, but please, we need to keep doing the Janessa Act". I looked at Justin and held back my tears. "alright, I'll do the act. But no more of us, it's over Justin. The act is just an act, i'll do my job of being a pretend girlfriend and you can go fuck other strippers if you want, I don't care"  I said with no tears. I left the tour bus and Scooter and Melissa were outside,

IN a couple of hours Justin is performing and I havn't posted anything on instagram and or twitter. I took a picture of Justin walking from far away and captioned "he is ready for you guys. #getready". The fans got crazy and spammed me like usual. No wonder Justin says he loves them. I spent a good 1 hour replying to them and following them. What they tweet is the craziest and funniest things ive ever seen. 

We acted like a cute couple but behind cameras and public, we never really spoke to each other. Being on the road with Justin is weird. I wasn't on the same tour bus anymore, the crew was with him, I was on a tour bus all alone. Show after show, we still didn't talk to each other. From country to country, we still didn't talk to each other. Not one single word. It was like their was a brick wall between us that is not breakable. Our relationship is actually over, over for good.

Justin spent his free day in the studio, according to Scooter he is working on a big hit. Maybe one of his biggest hits yet. Which is a pretty big deal. Since we were back in LA and his last show is in LA i decided to go back to my apartment. Melissa said that she has tons of modeling businesses that would love to work for me she said i have a busy schedule coming. Not the best time for me but I have to do my best and work my hardest. I didn't  really talk to Justin at all today and I was just working on my body i went to the gym. I guess I was bored because i stayed at the gym for 3 hours. Am i really that desperate? I went back to my apartment and I relaxed on the couch. I turned on the Tv and watched netflx. Didn't really care what i wanted to watch, just some thing. I checked my phone for messages and no text, no missed calls, no nothing. This isn't me.

Am I suppose to be mad at him? I guess f we are destined to be together then we will be together. But wih one exception. If it wasn't an act. How would we be? Sometimes I wished I didn't do this because I feel like i'm ina trapped box and I can't get out.

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