Chapter One- Kill Me Now

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Lily's POV

This can't be happening, this is NOT real! I thought as I sat up. When I looked across the bed, I saw a sleeping Niall, just like I did the last time I checked. "This is a good time to pinch myself." I murmured as I did just that. I tried not to scream out in pain. No, this is definitely real. I just slept on top of the bed that THE Niall Horan slept in. I got off the end of the bed, sat down and tried to remember what happened and WHY I was in a hotel room with five of the hottest boys in the universe. Then it hit me, I looked out of the window. I'm still in Paris.


I'm so excited I'm nervous. I've got a front row seat to see One Direction live in concert in the city I've only ever dreamed of visiting, Paris, France. The Eiffel Tower stood tall on the Banks of the river Seine. Its 2000 bulbs lighting up all of Paris. I knotted my fingers together as the taxi arrived at the concert. I got out and paid the driver his fare. "Merci. (thanks)" I said to him as he started his vehicle.

I got out my ticket, basking in its glory. This was my chance to see One Direction in the FLESH. I almost screamed in delight. I was NOT fan-girling, not today, anyway.

I walked to the entrance of the building. Thousands of girls were going crazy, writing One Direction on their foreheads and arms. I was wearing a pair of my best jeans. They were a turquoise colour. I was wearing a blue top and I was happy. So what if I spent so much money on this whole little trip because there were no more tickets available in Australia. So what? It was so worth it just to see them up close. So, SO worth it. Surprisingly, everyone wanted to stay outside to see if they could see the boys coming in. The boys would sneak in anyway, I assumed, so I wasn't bothered about waiting.

The person at the door let me in when I showed him my ticket and I found that I wasn't the only one who had my idea to get in earlier. Plenty of people were already inside. I walked towards the stage to get to my front row seat.

When I got there, I found a girl in my spot. "Excuse-moi. (excuse me)" I said. The girl looked up at me then down at her ticket. She then looked at the seat she was sitting in. "Pardon! (sorry)" She replied as she got up to move to sit in the seat where I was standing. I sat down on my seat. I got such a good view of the stage. It was so close! I just knew this was going to be a good performance. I got out my phone to take a photo of the stage. The girl looked at my phone as it came to life. She was wearing denim jeans and a tank top with the Union Jack on it. She hesitated before saying, "Je suis Francais. Et toi? (I am French, you?)"

"Je suis Australienne. (I am Ausralian)" I replied.

She wanted to make conversation.

"Je m'appelle Cassie, et toi? (my name is Cassie, and you?)"

"Je m'appelle Lily. (my name is Lily)" I replied.

"What's it like in l'Australie? (australia)" Cassie asked with a heavy French accent.

I stopped what I was doing. "Do you know English?" I asked. "English?" She confirmed.

"Anglais. (english)" I said.

"Oh, English, Anglais. Right." Cassie said.

"Oui. (yes) I'm going to learn countries and things soon." She added.

"Really? We learnt the countries first. In French, I mean."

"Oh. Do you like One Direction?"

"Yes, so much! What about you?"

She hesitated, "Well, not really. My friend dragged me along." She sulkily replied. Then she added "But she's not here yet."

"Oh, that's good, because I was confused by that." I laughed.

"What's the time?" Cassie asked.

"It's 9:10pm. OMG! Only twenty minutes until One Direction come up on stage!" I said.

"Great." Cassie sarcastically replied.

"Come on, enjoy this concert. Live a little. You'll love it."

"If you say so..." She murmured.

Having Cassie to talk to made the wait to see One Direction less anticipated. The twenty minute wait was relatively quick. We would've kept talking if people hadn't started to count down the last ten seconds until they came out. We joined in on five.






The crowd burst into a screaming mass. Five boys came onto the stage, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik. Everyone (except Cassie) was screaming their hearts out. I had the biggest grin on my face, I must've looked ridiculous.

"Wow..." Cassie mouthed.

"They're actually hot."

I laughed.

The boys opened the concert with Kiss You. I couldn't help but cheer. They were so hot on that stage and they were singing my favourite One Direction song. It was heartwarming. They put their hands out to high five the people in the front row. Cassie and I stood up. Harry came along, I was going to touch Harry Styles! Yes! Inside I was going crazy. I was surprised I wasn't going crazy on the outside too. I smiled when he touched me. He cheekily winked in return. "And let me kiss you." He sang. I sighed.

"I'm never washing this hand," I told Cassie.


She laughed and said, "Me neither."

I laughed again. The song ended. Then the boys sang Little Things. I swear my heart gave out. I looked at Harry. He was staring... At ME! I smiled, he smiled back. Harry looked away.

"Cassie, did you just see that? Harry was staring at me!"

"No way." She whispered, clearly mesmerised by the people only a couple of metres away from us.

"You have One Direction infection." I teased as I joined in the chorus with all the other singing girls. Eventually, that song ended too. They sang some more songs until Harry stopped and whispered something to the other boys, who nodded. Louis spoke to us, saying that they were going to get someone to sing with them. Millions of screams erupted through the room even though not all of the fans understood what Louis said. Harry calmly walked over to me. He held his hand out.

"Come sing with us." He said. I froze.

Somebody, kill me now.

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