Chapter ten-Yep, it's depression

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Lily's POV

I woke up disorientated. I wanted to get out of bed but it was too hard... All I wanted to do was sleep again. I had nearly fallen asleep when someone walked into the room. I think it was Louis...

"Hey... You're awake. I brought you some breakfast." Yep... It was Louis.

I wanted him to leave me alone, but I couldn't seem to speak. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep.

I tried to roll over on my side to show Louis I wasn't interested, but even that was too hard. My father hated me. He never loved me, he never cared. He never believed me. He never even believed IN me.

I was crying. Why was that easy and everything else so hard to do?

"Aw love, come here." Louis said, but I couldn't.

He looked at me, then hoped into bed with me. I didn't move, it was all too hard. I silently cried into his arms and fell asleep.

Louis' POV

Lily fell asleep in my arms. I let go of her and got up off the bed.

I walked out of the room. Liam was waiting outside bitting his nails in anticipation.

"How is she?" He asked as I closed the door.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know. She didn't talk to me or anything. She just LOOKED at me. What have I done wrong?" I slid to the ground.

"Hey Lou, I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong. Remember what her mum said."

I just nodded in response.

"Just let her rest. She'll be fine."

I don't know who he was convincing.

Lily's POV

I woke up again. Things seemed to be easier. Well, I could get up and walk at least.

I opened the door and walked into the living room.

"Hey" Liam said.

"Hey." I replied. My voice sounded weak and fragile.

"You alright?" Liam asked.

I nodded... wait. Was I alright?

I kind of stared at him for a while, then I decided against doing or asking anything that might seem unusual to ask.

I looked at Louis. He had his head in his hands. Harry was next to him, I'm pretty sure he was trying to comfort Louis. Louis lifted his head up to me. His eyes look red and puffy. Gosh, did I do that?

I sat down next to Louis.

"God, Louis... Did I do something, ANYTHING weird to you?" I asked.

He nodded his head.

I got up and started pacing around the living room.

"WHAT? What did I do?" I yelled at him.

"What's wrong Lily?" Liam asked.

I ignored him and continued my frantic pacing.

"Y-you called me dad." He whispered.

It came back to me. I know why it was so hard to move now...

It's depression.

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