Chapter Five- Where Is She Going Without Saying Goodbye?

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Louis' POV

 I turned around, recovering from my drunken laughter outburst, to see Lily leaving.

"Lily?" I called out. She looked upset.

I ran towards her. The other boys soon caught on and trailed behind me.

I caught up to Lily and grabbed her arm.

"What's wrong, babe?" I asked, concern all over my face. I hugged her.

She hugged me back and cried into my arms. I wasn't expecting that.

"I h-have to g-go n-now, b-but I don't know where."

She managed between sobs.

"What do you mean babe?" I asked.

"There w-were no more planes to Australia due to the storm and I couldn't find a motel that I could stay in." she continued.

Oh man...

"Why don't you stay with us?" I suggested.

"We're pretty nice guys."

She laughed.

"Yeah, it would be awesome!?" Niall said.

The other boys agreed.

"I know, I know. What about Simon?"

Oh man...

"Don't worry about him. We'll sort it out." Harry said.

"You know there is a thing called hiding... Oh, and food." We all laughed at this statement. Totally Niall.

"What? I'm hungry, okay."

"Do you really eat food but never put much weight on?" Lily asked.

"Yes, yes I do." He replied.

"Well then let's go get food!" I interrupted.

"What? I'm hungry too!" I protested.

"No, you're just jealous." Lily said.

"Or afraid of the dark."

"Nice one." I said.


"Can we go to Nandos?" Niall whined as we got in the car.

"I really want Nandos."

Niall and Nandos, their inseparable.

"I don't want to go to Nandos." I whined.

"Let's vote." Lily suggested.

Lily pulled out a book.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Oh... Just a book."

"What book?" Harry asked.

"Nandos menu." She replied.

Niall glared at her.

"What! And I don't have one?"

Lily laughed.

"No, it's Wings."

"Oh... Like our girlfriend's song?" Liam asked.

"No," she replied.

"Even better."

Zayn's POV

What can be better than Little Mix?

Louis' POV

"What is it then, since it's better than Little Mix's song Wings?" I asked Lily.

"It's by Aprilynne Pike. It's about a girl who finds out she's a faerie but she didn't know because she needed to forget her past in order to obtain the faeries heritage from her "parents". Yeah. You should read it." She handed the book to me.

(Note: Wings is a real book in a series by Aprilynne Pike.)

"Uh... No thanks." I handed the book back.

"Fine." She said as she started reading her book.

"Let's vote." Niall said.

"Nandos or..."

"Motel." I finished.

"All in favour of Nandos."

Lily and Niall put their hands up.

"All in favour of Motel."

Harry, Liam, Zayn and I put our hands up.

"Motel it is." Harry said.

"Room service!" I cried out.

"Aw..." Lily and Niall whined.

"You suggested the vote Lily." I stated.

Lily's POV

"Aw..." Niall and I said together.

We are so alike.

"You suggested the vote Lily." Louis said.

I pulled The Face.

"Why do you do that?" Louis asked.

"Aw.... She's so cute!" Niall exclaimed, reaching out to pinch my cheeks.

We were in a white van. Liam was driving, Zayn was the passenger and the rest of us sat on the floor in the back of the van.

"Don't do it Lily! Stop!" Louis said.

I stared at him. He looked at me.

"Stop it... Love." He said.

My guard dropped. I squealed.

"Shush! You'll make me crash." Liam said, quite loudly so he could be heard over my squeals.

"Nice one, Louis." Zayn said.

"Thanks Zayn." Louis smirked.

"No one can resist The Face." I whined.

"No." Harry said.

"Louis can beat it."

The boys laughed. I frowned and made a tear drop down my cheek.

"Aw, love. Don't cry." Louis said, instantly feeling bad.

"Look what you did Louis!" Niall said.

"You made my girl cry!"

I liked the sound of that.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" I looked up.

"I was going for plan B."

Louis looked at me angrily.

"If you kept up with it, Louis would've given in." Harry said.

"Yeah... That's kind of why I stopped." I looked at the floor of the van.

"I didn't want to lose a friend."

"Aw... She's even cuter when she's confessing things!" Niall said.

Louis' POV

Did Lily just say I was her friend? Aw... how could I not forgive that?

"That's okay. But I still want room service." I said.

"Thanks Louis." She said.

"Oh and can I call you Lou?"

"Maybe." I answered as I laughed.

"We're here." Liam said as the car stopped.

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