Chapter Nine- Reality hits hard

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Lily's POV

My alarm went off.

"Now I gotta cut loose, footloose

Kick off the Sunday shoes

Please, Louise, pull me off of my knees

Jack, get Mack, come on before we crack

Lose your blues, everybody cut footloose."

Niall muttered something under his breath. Oh gosh, oh gosh. Turn off you stupid alarm!

I fumbled with the buttons on my phone, trying to turn it on. Phew! I don't think I woke anyone up. Oh wait, Louis is leaning on the doorframe.

"I heard Louise." He said.

"Um... Yeah." I blushed.

"What was it?" He smiled.

"Um... If I told you it was nothing would you believe me?"

"No." He smiled.

"Then it's an alarm."

Louis looked shocked.

"Why do you have a bloody alarm set for 5:00 in the morning!" He whisper-yelled.

"Because I have school." I said in a matter of fact tone.

"How old are you anyway? I thought you graduated."

"No, I'm only 16."


"Yeah... I'm a pretty dedicated fan."

"Yeah. You are."

I suddenly realised I forgot to call mum. I pushed Louis aside.

"What's that for?" Louis whined.

I ignored him.

I rushed towards my pink suitcase, which I could see on the floor near the doorway to another room.

My phone is on two percent. If I don't call mum... I'll be dead.

One percent. I got to my bag and started frantically searching for my charger. I have to have my charger... I can't not have it! It's got to be one of the first things I pack everywhere I go. I frantically pulled everything out of my bag and threw it on the floor.

"Hey... What's wrong?" I heard Louis say.

I gave up my searching when my bag was empty.

I may as well call mum while my phone still has life. Wait. Scrap that. It just died. Louis was waiting for the answer to his question. I put my head in my hands. My mum's going to think I'm irresponsible and untrustworthy.

"No." I mumbled through my hands.

"My mum's going to hate me. Why do I forget my phone charger when I need it now... Why?"

"Hey... You can borrow my phone if you want..." Louis suggested.


He nodded.

"I love you! I love you! Your my new favourite!" I exclaimed as I squealed and hugged him.

Yes, I can multitask... I'm talented.

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