Chapter Seven- Um... About The Carrots...

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Louis' POV

Lily was so funny, the way she asked if she could sit down, it was adorable!

Harry was on the floor, Zayn was gripping the bench so tight that I thought he was going to fall if he let go, Niall was crying and Liam was trying not to fall over, which was a hopeless attempt on his part. When we all recovered, we went to see that Lily was sitting quite tensely on the edge of one of the red lounges in the room. Of course, this set us off again and we had to cough to stifle our laughter. She relaxed when she saw us looking at her.

"So... What's for dinner?" she questioned.

"Anything but carrots..." Zayn said.

"Hey! Don't offend the carrots!" I shouted.

Lily looked confused.

"Louis has been getting so many carrots, they haven't stopped coming wherever we go."

"Oh..." She blushed.

"Why are you blushing?" I asked.

"It's not like you're a crazed Directioner desperately trying to get me to follow you on Twitter or something because you love me."

"Uh... I kind of did track you down for a while. I would send you a carrot every week. You know... Saying stuff like, "OH MY GOSH! I never knew you like carrots! Oh, and please return this so that I know you got it! But you don't need to return the carrot." Yeah... that was me."

"You were that person! I tried to track you down for a month, but it didn't work."

"He was so bummed." Zayn said, obviously remembering the time when I couldn't track "that girl" down.

"Oh! I remember that! That was so funny! You were so sad, Louis!" Niall said, laughing uncontrollably.

Lily smiled.

"At least I know who sent me the carrots now."

Everyone laughed. Oops! Did I just say that out loud?

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