Chapter Eight (Part Two)_ Truth or Dare gone Bad

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Lily's POV

Charlene seemed to follow me wherever I went. School after school that I went to I was bullied about my talents. I had limited friends who said that they weren't jealous of my talents but as people continued to bully me I became less and less confident about myself.

My parents said I was too much to handle. I was banned from the house, chucked out with a couple of my belongings. My "mum" found me. She felt sorry for me and took me under her wing. My "parents " were made my legal guardians. I'm pretty depressed but I try to think about other things. I have never wanted to cut or commit suicide. I just want to live life.

But my life isn't all sunshine and rainbows, I started to miss a lot of school because of my depression. My parents thought it would be good for me to "experience" the world and bought me tickets to see One Direction, but I insisted on paying air fares and motel fees. Mum and Dad are running out of money, and I know it's because of me. This often takes my depression to a new level. I try to stop it, for my parents sake, but I can't. My parents say they are just glad I want to live my life and don't go to cutting for answers, but I know they are really worried about me...

Liam's POV

Lily was scared... I could tell.

Then suddenly, her eyes rolled back into her head and she fell to the ground.

"Oh no." I said, Louis was rushing to pick her up and we all helped get her inside.

We decided to put her in Niall's bed.

We all waited around her nervously.

"What happened? Do you think she was scared?" Lou said.

"Nah... Maybe she was nervous because we're One Direction." Harry suggested.

"Why would she be nervous when she was so confident before? I don't get it." I said in defeat.

"Maybe it's something we just don't need to snoop around in. Maybe it's personal." Niall whispered.

Who knows... Maybe it is personal?

"Maybe..." Zayn said.

We were all really worried. I hope she's alright.

Lily's POV

My eyes flittered open.

In front of me were five boys, and they looked worried.

The events from who knows how long ago came back to me.

Oh Gosh, I fainted.

Shut your eyes, shut your eyes.

Instead of shutting my eyes, my brain thought it was a convenient time to bolt. I ran for the door like it was the only thing on Earth.

No one was expecting that.

I left their looks of surprize behind as I rushed to the door, forgetting my suitcase as I continued to bolt.

Stupid, stupid brain. But I couldn't stop now...

Until someone grabbed me around the waist. I was restricted, and so close to that damn door!

I wriggled in his grasp.

"Why are you running Lily?" A husky voice asked. Harry.

"I don't know." I said in defeat. I suddenly felt very tiered and sank into Harry.

"Come on." He whispered.

"Back to bed."

I barely managed a nod as he dragged me back to whoever's room I was in before.

I just hope it isn't depression...

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