Chapter Sixteen-Josh

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  • Dedicated to All my Wattpad Followers.

Lily's POV

"Josh... Hi!" I said, trying to sound like I didn't know Josh was here in the first place.

"Were you cheating on me?"

"N-no..." I stuttered.

"Then who's this guy?" Josh pointed to Niall.

"He's just a friend... He doesn't speak English." I hoped Niall would get what I was doing.

"Bonjour!" Niall said. Phew, saved by Niall.

"Why were you two kissing?"

"W-we weren't kissing, we were just.... It's a French thing." I said.

"Oh, because it looked a lot like you were kissing." He leaned close to me.

"And you don't want to cheat on me." He whispered. His words sent shivers down my spine. I nodded.

"I know where your parents live, and I'm not afraid to hurt them..." He continued.

"Yes, Josh. I know."

"Shouldn't you be in Australia?" Josh asked.

"I missed the plane... and you know, they predicted storms." I said, trying to sound confident.

"Do you want to stay with me, Bunny?" I hated being called Bunny. Josh gave me the name when he found out how I 'hop' from school to school. I don't like it.

"N-no Joshi, I have to stay at the hotel I've booked."

"Ok, Bunny."

He forcefully pressed his lips onto mine. I didn't.

"Kiss me." He murmured, so I had no choice. He embraced me. I stiffened. He let go.

"See you soon, Bunny."

"Okay." I whispered as he walked by.

I need to tell Niall now. There isn't a choice.

Niall's POV

I can't believe Lily has a boyfriend and she's cheating on him... With me!

I packed up and walked to the car.

"Are you coming Lily?" I angrily asked her.

"Please don't be angry at me Niall! I can explain."

"Really? Because I think it's pretty self-explanatory. I'm just the French friend who you were cheating on your boyfriend with."

"It's not like that Niall..." Lily said.

"I find that hard to believe." I murmured.

Lily went silent.

"Get in the car." I said to Lily.

She nodded and hopped into the passenger seat.

We drove to the motel in silence.

Lily's POV

"Are you coming Lily?" Niall angrily asked me.

"Please don't be angry at me Niall! I can explain!" I begged. I just don't know how.

"Really? Because I think it's pretty self-explanatory. I'm just the French friend who you were cheating on your boyfriend with." He said.

"It's not like that Niall." I just wanted him to kiss me. It would make things easier, so much easier.

"I find that hard to believe." Niall murmured. I went silent. I had no reply to that. Unless I wanted to tell him, but I can't yet. Maybe getting into a relationship was a bad idea...

"Get in the car." Niall said. I did. I didn't want to be left out here... alone when my boyfriend was here.

We drove to the motel in silence.


Lily's POV

"Get out discreetly, don't bother waiting for me. Pretend you're part of the crowd." Niall said as we parked outside the entrance.

"Okay." I said as I got out of the car and started to move towards the motel entrance. I heard girls screams as Niall came out of the car, which brought tears to my eyes.

I watched as he went through the motel doors and I followed closely behind. Pretending to be a crazed fan. I missed the elevator Niall got on so I caught the next one up.

When I got to the top floor, I saw Niall get to our motel room door.

"Niall, please let me explain. I just need to find the words..." He ignored me as he opened the door to our motel room.

"Niall..." I said but he went to his room and slammed the door. I walked up to the door, took a deep breath and opened the door.

Louis' POV

"Hey Niall." I said, but he pushed past Harry and I.

We looked at each other.

"What's his problem?" Harry asked me. I shrugged my shoulders as we walked into the living room.

Lily's POV

"Niall. Look at me. I need to tell you the truth... All of it." I said as I closed the door quietly behind me.

I sat down on the bed next to Niall, took a deep breath and began to tell him about all of my life. 

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