Chapter Six- Wouldn't the Homeless People Love To See This?

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Lily's POV

The motel was so big and grand, I wasn't even sure that I should enter it at all. It must be five stars. It must be!

Harry helped me get ready to get out of the van.

"We're going to have to make a run for the door." He whispered to me.

"You get in the middle of us, so you have more cover." He was being dead serious.

"On go, we move."

"Three, two, one. Go!" he said as we got out and ran for it. I crouched as low as I believed that I could so that I wouldn't be seen by the paparazzi with their evil camera weapons. I gigged. Wait! I could make a game out of that and become rich! MWHAHAHA!

I was running pretty fast, I liked to run and I was nearly crashing into Niall in the process.

Gosh Niall, why are you so slow?

Mental note: Repeat that to Niall once all obstacles have been cleared.

I slowed down, not by much, but still slowed down.

The door was so close, if I could reach through Niall, I could touch it.

"Good evening, boys. How was the concert?" the doorman asked.

"The usual." Niall huffed as the door opened.

"Thanks." Louis said.

"That's okay, enjoy your stay."

We got into an elevator.

The elevator was carpeted in a red, fluffy material. There was a mirror opposite the door, which Zayn went to check his hair in, and your usual buttons.

My mental note from earlier was calling me. After I stopped panting and started breathing normally, I said it.

"You know, Niall. You're a pretty slow runner."

He looked at me.

"I thought we were friends." He whined.

"We are, and friends be honest with friends... right? So I'm telling the truth... because we're friends." I replied.

"She has a point Niall." Harry smirked.

"You are a slow runner."

"Or maybe she's just a really fast runner." Niall protested.

"Well, that's good. It means that I'm faster than a guy. So maybe I am too fast." I replied, giving him one of my winning smiles. It was too good an opportunity to pass up!

"You're adorable Lily!" Niall proclaimed.

"Uh... Thanks. I guess." I smiled again.

"So... We're eating in right?" Louis said as the door of the elevator opened to a floor with plush red carpet, pristine white walls and wide wooden doors with golden numbers.

Remember this moment... Imagine you're rich. You can do anything... especially donate to the homeless people...

Someone was clicking their fingers in front of my face.

"Rude!" I said.

"I was thinking... Don't interrupt when I'm thinking."

"What were you thinking about? Because it was good enough to make you stop." Liam said, clearly annoyed. So he'd been the one who clicked in my face.

"Never mind..." I mumbled and started to walk on. No one understands poor people.

Niall came and held my hand.

"It's okay. He's just paranoid. I don't think he's too keen on the fact we have a girl here, even though he agreed to it too." He said, smiling softly, but I had kind of gone back to my daydreaming of homeless people with only a few items, living in cardboard boxes with a couple of blankets to keep them warm.

Mental Note: Any extra money from this trip will go to helping the homeless people.

We arrived at a door with the numbers 129 on it in brass that was glowing with the lights. Harry pulled out a key and unlocked the door. The boys let me in first, such gentlemen!

I stifled a gasp as I walked through the door. It reminded me of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S Lewis. The magical world beyond the cupboard. This was it, and the world outside of the cupboard was so boring in comparison to what lay inside.

(Note: If you didn't already know, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S Lewis is a real book. But I don't know how you couldn't know that!)

The carpet was white, so white. That's the first thing I saw, the beautiful white soft carpet. I swear my jaw dropped and all it took was that damn carpet!

Stop thinking about the carpet and look around the room, Lily.

Opposite the door was a balcony with a glass sliding door. The view was beautiful. We... uh, sorry, THEY, meaning One Direction, had managed to get a motel room that overlooked all of Paris. I stared at the picturesque scene. I couldn't tear my eyes from the view. Up ahead, as small as it was, was the grand Eiffel Tower. I stared at it in awe. Maybe I'd go during my stay here in Paris. MAYBE.

The furniture was just as "posh". Red leather lounges and armchairs were in a sort of semi-circle around a wooden cofee table and a large, oh so large, flatscreen TV.

There were other rooms down the corridor but I was too scared to venture out beyond where I had. I was also too scared to do anything but stand there and gawk.

"Hey Lou?"

"Hmmm..." Louis answered.

" Can I sit down on this red lounge over here?" I asked.

I heard laughter, a lot of laughter.

"No." Louis said.

"Okay..." I started.

"I was just kidding!" He said.

"For the moment, our motel room is your motel room."

I hesitantly sat down on one of the red lounges.

Wouldn't the Homeless people love to see this?

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