Chapter Nineteen- Trip For Two to the Tower Of L♥ve

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Lily's POV

Sunlight flittered through the open window. It felt warm on my skin. I yawned and snuggled deeper into the covers.

Wait... Sun?

I cursed. I should be checking plane times since clearly it's not raining anymore. I grabbed my laptop from my suitcase and googled plane times.

I sighed. The next plane would be leaving in three days. The storm had passed. I sent my mum a quick Skype message.

Next plane in three days.

She replied with a quick ok.

I turned off my laptop. I was about to put it away when I heard a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked curiously.

"Your babe." The voice replied. I rushed to the door and opened it, thinking it was Niall on the other side, but it was none other than Mr Tomlinson, who strutted in and placed a ticket on my bed.

"Get ready. I'll meet you by your door in an hour." He smiled and left, closing the door behind him. I huffed in reply. I walked over to the ticket. It was a ticket to the Eiffel tower in Paris. I frowned. Why would Louis give me this ticket?

I've always wanted to go to the Eiffel Tower. Maybe all the guys are going?

I smiled and got ready, pulling on a pink dress.

Louis' POV

I knocked on her door. I crossed my fingers, desperately hoping that she would be ready. The door creaked open. My jaw dropped. It was Lily, but she didn't look like Lily. She was wearing a gorgeous pink dress. I smiled. It looks good on her.

"Are you ready?" I asked. She nodded and we linked arms. We walked out of the building.

Lily's POV

As soon as Louis and I walked out the door I knew we were going alone.

No way, I'm not going with Louis up into the Tower Of Love!

I pushed him away.

"Louis, I'm not going with you." His face dropped.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because you're a jerk. I thought we were going with the others." I said and started to walk back inside.

He grabbed my waist and hauled me over his shoulder.

"You're coming with me." He said and carried me to a car,

"Put me down! This is against the law!" I screamed.

"Is not." He said.

"Is too." I replied.

"Is not." He said, I sighed. I was not going to talk to him at all. I folded my arms in frustration as he walked into the lift and pressed the ground level button.

"You're going to love it." He said, rocking on his heels. I didn't answer. He turned his head to me, our noses almost touching. I held my breath. I don't want Louis' germs I don't want Louis' germs I don't want...

What am I saying? I do want Louis' germs.

 I supressed a squeal as I took a breath, breathing in his carbon dioxide. We stayed frozen like this until the lift dinged, signalling we were at our floor. The lift doors opened and Louis carried me out into the lobby and to a waiting car. He set me down and slid in next to me.

"Take us to the Eiffel Tower." Louis said to the driver, who nodded and drove off.

I stared out the window and made a vow to myself. No kissing Louis on this trip, we're just here to see the sights.


"We're here." Louis said.

"Huh? What?" I drowsily replied. I must have fallen asleep on the way to the tower. I opened my eyes. Louis was staring at me, his face was really close.

"What the heck, Louis?" I said as I tried to scoot away from him, not that that worked, of course. He laughed lightly.  His breath felt warm on my face.

"Come on." He undid my seatbelt and led me out to the tower. I smiled as I looked at its intricate latticework. I never thought that I would see the Eiffel Tower with Louis.

He held my hand as we walked up to the ticket booth and handed in our tickets. The guy at the booth looked bored and he clearly had no idea who Louis was. Louis gave a smug smile as we passed and I laughed.

"Lift or stairs?" Louis asked.

"Let's be fit." I said.

"I'm taking the stairs."


"Argh. I'm never taking the stairs again." I huffed as we reached the top of the Eiffel Tower.

"Me neither." Louis breathlessly replied as we rushed up to the top.

I walked out onto the platform. The view was gorgeous. Below us was carpeted green and I smiled.

"I've always wanted to come up here." I said.

"Really?" Louis asked, he inched a little closer to me.

"So have I."

His hand slid on top of mine and he pulled me towards him. My heart was beating so loudly I was sure he could hear it. I blushed as he brought his lips to mine.

And we kissed.

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