Chapter Eleven-We need to have a little talk...

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Lily's POV

"Listen..." I sat down then stood right back up. I've never had this conversation before, but I had to tell them... They had to know.

The three boys looked at me, their faces full of concern.

I was shaking.

"You see... Um." I started. It didn't sound right.

"Ihavedepressionandicalledyoudadbecausemydadkickedmeoutofthehousebecausehethoughtiwasstealingfrommybestfreindwhoendedupnotevenbeingmyfreindjustsomelousypersonthateveryoneloved." I said really quickly.

They all looked at me confused. I sighed.

"What I'm trying to say is... I have depression."

Louis' POV

What? Oh man, this is more bloody worse than we thought.

Lily started to cry.

"Hey, it's all right." I said.

"No it's not. I barely even know you and your the first people I've ever told about my... Depression." She put her head in her hands.

No one knew what to say to that.

"Of course my... my parents know, they figured out that I even had depression in the first place." She said, but the word parents sounded foreign to her, like she never uses the word.

"I'd kind of prefer of you didn't tell anyone..." She continued.

"Not even Niall or Zayn."

We all nodded.

"We can do that." Liam said.

"Carrots." I said. Everyone looked at me weirdly.

"Well, I was trying to cheer you up." I said.

"That doesn't help Louis." Harry said.

"Well I didn't know that... Did I?"

Lily laughed.

"See? She loves it." I smiled at Lily. She smiled back.

"Whose your favourite?" Liam asked.

"Woah Liam. Looking for a fan huh?" Harry asked. Woah, it's like he read my mind...

"Yep." Liam said, popping the p.

"Well, Louis is my favourite now..." Lily said.

"Why Louis?" Liam whined.

"Because Louis gave me his phone..." She grinned mischievously.

"What did you do to it?" I screamed as I pulled my phone out.

"OH MY GOSH YOU WASTED CREDIT!" I screamed as I looked through my call history.

"And to call a phone that died! How could you?"

"Now you can't get rid of me..." She said.

"Woah... She's a smart one." Harry said.

"I wouldn't be calling me smart if I were you..."

"Damn! She's gone and used Louis' phone to blackmail me!" Harry said.

"Close..." Lily said.

"Oh damn!" Liam laughed.

"I wouldn't be laughing if I were you Liam." Lily said.

"WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO?" Liam screamed as he went to grab Lily. She laughed as she skipped into the kitchen.

Niall's POV

One minute I had a sandwich in my hand, the next it was on Lily's face.

I burst out laughing.

"You look as good as a sandwich!" I said between laughs.

She looked annoyed.

"I wanted a sandwich, I must admit, but I didn't want one on my face!" She screamed.

Lily sighed as she went into the living room. Whoops!

Harry's POV

Lily came back into the tense living room.

I started at her face. She looked like a sandwich. I burst out laughing.

Louis looked at me, then at Lily, and burst out laughing.

"What happened to your face?"

"NIALL!" Lily screamed.

"I'm going to kill you!"

She walked towards the direction of the bathroom.

Lily's POV

I walked to the bathroom.

Once I got there, I looked in the mirror. I did look like a sandwich. I started to laugh. It was pretty funny.

I cleaned myself up. I had a good long look at myself.

'You're worthless.'

'You don't deserve to live.'

'Your parents kicked you out. They thought you were worthless...'

'They did not.'

'Then why did they ditch you?'

'I don't know.'

'They hate you. Your such a burden.'

'I am.'

'Why don't you just die already?'

'I should.'

Gosh, what did I just say?

Did I just say I wanted to kill myself?

I ran out of the bathroom.

'You don't deserve to live."

'Yes I do.'

'No you don't. You need to die.'






I sunk to the floor.

The pain is too great.

I need something sharp.

I crawled into the bathroom and grabbed a razor.

"I don't deserve to live." I murmured through my tears as the razor sliced through my skin. The pain was relieving.

I hunched over my hand as I felt the rush of pain, all my worries, gone.

"I don't deserve to live."

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