Chapter Four- The Phone Call that Leaves Me Homeless

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Harry's POV

I passed Louis, but I ignored him. When I got to the part of the corridor where I left Lily, she wasn't there. Damn you Louis! You bloody stole my girl!

I angrily walked towards the dressing rooms... Again. Niall had already gotten back before I got to ask where he was and I just knew Louis took my girl...

 Darn you bloody Louis!

 Louis' POV

 Her hand felt soft, and warm...

 Well duh, Lou. She's human. In my head, I rolled my eyes at my brain.

 Back to Lily's hand...

 Oh wait! She stumbled.

"You alright love?" I asked.

I swear she squealed. I turned around.

"Say that again!" she practically ordered me.

"Sorry. How rude of me." She blushed.


I smiled, i couldn't help it. She was just so cute...

Louis, just say the line already! 

"You alright love?"

"I'm so showing Josh this!"

I smiled. Wait... What?

She must have recorded my voice on her phone and now she's going to show it to some guy...

"Who's Josh?" I asked, but I thought I already knew the answer...

"He's my best friend."


"Oh, and my boyfriend."

 No! Damn that bloody Josh!

"Oh." I replied.

"Yeah..." She looked down at the ground. Then her head popped up like a bullet.

"C'mon." She whined.

"I don't like the dark."

I realised we were in a dark part of the corridor.

"Is little Lily-kins scared." I crooned.

"Shut up." She answered back.

Woah. Good word choice. I mean, I know she said it to me and all... but I think she was a bit touchy on the subject.

"Louis." I heard someone call.

"Damn you Louis... where are you?" The voice continued. I instantly knew it as Harry's.

Oh no. Harry's girl... I looked back at Lily. Damn you Louis. Why didn't you leave her?

Harry bumped into me. The look on his face said it all. Bye, bye... Larry Stylinson.

Harry's POV

Louis stared at me with this terrified look on his face... It was so funny, I wish I'd taken a photo of it. I almost smiled.

Harry, don't smile, he's got your girl.

"Bloody Louis." I murmured.

He still looked scared.

"Sorry?" Louis said weakly. It sounded almost like a question rather than an apology.

"Damn right you are!" I shouted.

I heard the boy's footsteps right behind me. 

"What's going on?" Zayn asked. 

Liam was pale. 

"We thought you were going to kill each other." He said.

"Yeah." Niall agreed.

I looked at Lily. I think she was in shock. 

No time to worry about her now. Wait. That just sounded mean Harry...

I was getting worried about Lily. She seemed to be freaking out. Then we heard a phone.

Kiss you started playing really loudly. Louis and I burst out laughing. So much for tense situations. The rest of the boys stared at us like we were insane, then started laughing too. 

Lily had moved away, I realized it was her phone 

Oh man... 

Lily's POV 

"Uh... Hi mum!" I said into the phone.

I looked at the boys, they were laughing all over the floor. I chuckled to myself. 

"Hon... is everything alright?" she asked me. 

"Yeah, yeah. Fine mum. But we've hit a slight dilemma." 

Niall was trying to listen in to my conversation. I could hear his breath on my neck. I gently pushed him away. 

"Mum," I treaded carefully. 

"The concert ended later than expected. I was late for the plane and didn't find any motels that I could stay in for the night." 

"Oh. When's the next plane?" 

"In a couple of weeks." 

That was true. They predicted big storms.

"Oh hon, what are we going to do."

"Well... I've made a friend." True. 

"She said she wouldn't mind if I came to her house..." Lie. 

"Okay." She replied.

"Okay?" I questioned.

"Yes. Just stay with her until the storms over."

I could hear her crying.

"Mum. I'll be alright." Lie.

"I know, I know. Have fun!"

"Thanks mum. Don't worry about me. She's a really nice girl. Her name is Cassie."

"Now go already, my big girl. Before I come and get you."

I laughed.

"Bye mum. I love you."

"I love you too. Call me every day, okay."

"Okay. Bye!"

I hung up.

Oh my gosh! Did I just agree to being homeless for a month? Okay, I didn't want this to happen. Silent tears streamed down my face. I slid to the floor. Okay, now I'm going to donate even more to the homeless people of Australia. I know how you feel!

The boys were still laughing. I got up to leave. My bag had enough for a couple of days. I'd survive. I silently wandered down the hall to the bright neon exit sign. 

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