Chapter Eight (Part One)- Truth or Dare gone Bad

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Niall's POV

"Okay, I'm really hungry. Can we order room service or something?." I asked the boys, who were still reminiscing about Lily and the carrots...

"I'm hungry too!" Lily agreed.

Finally! Someone who understands my hunger needs. I smiled warmly at her, and she smiled warmly back at me. I feel like we really get each other... Back to reality Niall, you're hungry.

"ROOM SERVICE!" Louis yelled.

"What do you want to eat Lily?" Harry asked, giving her a cheeky wink. Oh no he didn't!

"Well...." she started

"I want some ... OH I know! I want spaghetti!" She finished.

"Why spaghetti?" Louis said, sulking.

"It has no carrots in it."

We laughed. Louis and his carrots.

"Because spaghetti is just so... So... So yum!"She said.

"Can we just order already..." I whined.

"But we have to choose something first." Louis replied, mocking me.

Lily giggled, then went deadly serious. If looks could kill, I think everyone in the room would be dead by now.

"Nialler, over here, is hungry and has made me hungry. You get the food right now or you will die."

Right on!

The others gulped.

"I swear you will die if we don't get our food... And I keep by my swearsies. Okay?"

The boys nodded. Now she was being scary...

Lily returned to the happy girl we know.

"So what are you waiting for? Order already!"

Zayn reached for the phone and dialled the room service number.

"Uh... Hi! Yeah, we want room service..." He gave the phone our orders.

"So..." Louis started.

"Let's play a game."

"Okay." Lily said

"But it has to be fun."

"OH it'll be fun alright." Harry and Louis said in unison.

Boy, she does not know what she got herself into.

Liam's POV

"We're going to play truth or dare." Louis said.

"No... Anything but truth or dare! I always get bad dares or truths. C'mon, don't do this too me." She whined.

Finally someone who understands how horrible truth or dare is.

"Finally, someone who understands." I said.

"Spoil-sports." Louis murmured.

Lily pulled that face. It was adorable but Louis wasn't looking at her, so basically it didn't change anything.

"We're playing truth or dare, guys. No one is stopping us." Harry smirked.

"Except the room service guy." Niall put in.

"Yeah, except that guy."

"So Louis, why don't you start?" Harry asked.

"Okay." Louis mischievously grinned.

"Truth or Dare, Lily?" He asked Lily.

"Tru- Dare." She answered.

Wow, she's confident.

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