Chapter Thirteen-Niall's Little Dancer

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Niall's POV

At the moment I hate Liam for telling Lily I have a crush on her. All the boys have figured it out... He just didn't have to tell...

I was onto my second sandwich when I received a text from Uncle Si.

~Uncle Si~

Where r u? U should be at rehearsals! I hope ur not with a girl...

I sent him a quick message.

Sorry, forgot! Be there in 15.

"Guys! We forgot about the rehearsal!" I yelled.

"SHOOT!" Louis screamed.

I grabbed Harry.

"Now's not the time to sulk mate, we have an angry Uncle Si on our hands here!" I said.

"CAN I COME?" Lily screamed in my ear.

"YES!" I screamed back.

"Yay!" She squealed and started running about the house.

"Wait! I don't think Uncle Si would like it if..." I was cut of by Louis.

"No. You said she can come, she can come." But it sounded a lot like Louis was hiding something from me.

We all rushed out the door of the motel room and into a limo. Fortunately, there weren't any fans. Luck was on our side! Yay!

"Oh my gosh!" Lily said.

"You have a Samsung phone charger in this car!" She grabbed her phone from her bag and plugged it in.

"So that's what it was..." Louis said.

"Yes." Lily said, as if we should know what it is.

"I'm a Samsung girl, don't judge."

"Already judging..." Louis said.

The car ride went quickly, before we knew it we were at the concert venue.

"Honey, I'm home!" Louis screamed and went inside.

Harry sulkily followed him, along with an embarrassed Liam and your average Zayn.


I grabbed Lily's hand and lead her inside.

"Uncle Si..." Louis started.

I had a bright idea.

"I'm sorry. I was just introducing my girlfriend to the other boys." They caught on.

"Yeah. She's really nice. You haven't been introduced, have you?" Harry said.

"No... We haven't been introduced." Uncle Si said.

"This is Lily." I said as Uncle Si went to hug her.

"You look after Niall, won't you?" She nodded her head.

"It's lovely to meet you, Simon."

"Call me Uncle Si."

Lily smiled. Gosh how I love that smile...

Back to the topic.

"I hope you don't mind that we brought her along."

"Not at all." He smiled warmly at Lily. Looks like we're all good...

"But you lads still should have been here on time."

"But Lily's so mesmerising...." Louis said.

"She's mine!" I grabbed Lily and hugged her. She laughed.

"They're such charmers, aren't they?" Lily said. Was that a compliment? Or should I be taking offence to that?

Uncle Si nodded his head.

"Well, we better get started then..." Louis sadly replied.

"Yep." Liam said.

"Onstage now boys." Uncle Si said as we hopped onto the stage.

"Okay, start singing."

Live while we're young started playing.

"Hey girl I'm waiting on ya, I'm waiting on ya.
Come on and let me sneak you out.
And have a celebration, a celebration.
The music up the windows down." Liam sang.

"Yeah, we'll be doing what we do.
Just pretending that we're cool.
And we know it too (know it too).
Yeah, we'll keep doing what we do.
Just pretending that we're cool so tonight." Zayn sang.

Then we all sang the chorus:
"Lets go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun.
I know we've only met but let's pretend it's love.
And never, never, never stop for anyone.
Tonight let's get some.
And live while we're young.
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh"

I looked at Lily. She was dancing, and for some reason I found that funny.

I started laughing.

"You just ruined the song Niall." Liam said.

"And I didn't do my solo!" Harry whined.

"But Lily's so cute dancing over there!" I said between laughs.

Lily was glaring at me, which only made me laugh harder.

"I will never get you Niall." She shouted across the room.

"I know, I know." I said into the microphone.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Lily shouted back to me.

I'm hoping that was genuine.

"AW! How cute!" Louis and Harry said together.

"You know, sometimes you boys are hopeless." Uncle Si said.

"We know." We all said in unison.

"But hey, look on the bright side. Niall has a little dancer." Louis said.

We all looked at him strangely.

"I thought we needed a bright side." He stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"I'll be Niall's Little Dancer." Lily said as she hopped up onto the stage and stood next to me.

My heart felt like it was going to explode and I had this really weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I hugged her and smiled.

"You two make a great couple.' Uncle Si said.

I hope Lily thinks so too...

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